Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Everyone seeks a measure of greatness, impact, and fulfillment on their journey in life and career. They focus on building skills, dedicate themselves to their craft, and practice discipline in refining their talents, gifts, and abilities. Competency and hard work alone may bring recognition and even promotion.


These accomplishments, victories, new skills, recognition, and rewards are some of the most fulfilling times in the heart of a leader!  


Someone once said, "See a person skilled in their work. They shall stand before kings and not obscure people." Our focus, dedication, and discipline will elevate us and increase our capacity to accomplish much as leaders.  


Being alert and aware of enemies to every great leader can be our protection. What would you say causes leaders to stumble and even fall on their life and career journey?


One word that comes to me is pride. There is a form of pride that seeps into the heart of a leader if they are not diligent, discerning, and deliberate about building defenses against this enemy.


This week, one Summit shared experiencing an attack in his thinking, where the enemy strikes; that helped him see the need to be alert to our thoughts and how we view others. 



"Having overcome feelings of inadequacy, rejection, and poor self-identity enables me to live in victory." Summit Leader


He shares a strategy to create reminders and triggers that help him recall the principles of living a life of victory in life and career.


Write down quotes that remind you of a meaningful life and career principle. 
Keep mementos from victories visible in your daily routines.
Practice gratitude and remember grace.

"Here is one quote that I wrote and keep on my desk." 

"Pride comes before destruction, haughty spirit before the fall, and before honor is humility." Summit Leader


"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." C.S. Lewis



Someone once said, "Nothing is as disarming to pride as a life filled with gratitude and grace."


Graceful and humble leaders enjoy sustained growth and expanded influence. They understand their purpose, vision and practice authenticity in their life and career journey.



This leadership practice enables us to connect with others with compassion, love, and authenticity.  


"Grace is the key to sustained happiness, more fulfilling work, and performance that impacts the world." Alexis Thomas. The Power of a Graceful Leader.


Growth is the quest of every leader. Great leaders make bringing others along with them their top priority and connect with people deeper because they care. 


Someone once said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."


 Engaging people from the heart is the answer for high-performing teams. Someone shared this insight. "Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back."


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Remember, humility and grace will protect and promote you. 

