Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Setting goals is essential in accomplishing your purpose, vision, and results on your life and career journey.


Great leaders set goals that challenge their faith and grow them as leaders as they go. The beauty of leadership is that all receive the call to serve and lead. The key is accepting the call and setting your goals and living by faith. Think about great leaders. Who comes to your mind?

Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Thomas J. Watson, Sr., and Joshua are a few that come to me. Their goals are "Big Hairy Audacious Goals."  


In their book, Built to Last  Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, Jerry I Porras and Jim Collins believe that visionary companies commit to "Big Hairy Audacious Goals," while others resist. These goals provide the catalyst for innovative companies, and I will add leaders to move forward.


Identity matters when setting goals. Great leaders discover that believing and faith are the critical first steps. Commitment precedes power. Someone once said regarding leadership, "You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world." These are growth mindset affirmations that impact and extend the reach of servant leadership. The real evidence of great leaders is the way they act.


In Saltwater Leadership, Second Edition - A Primer on Leadership for the Sea Services, Second Edition, the authors point out that fully 97% of leadership is a growth mindset. They point to height, intelligence measured by IQ account for 3%.  


The 97% includes attributes we can learn and develop - character, empathy, integrity, communications ability, hard work, bravery, compassion, competence, and resilience - through study, discernment, and practice. Patience, perseverance, and training are essential in becoming a great leader.


This week a Summit Leader shared his desire to find his calling and make an impact by focusing his passion on the right thing.  Discernment and sound judgment are required.


"Goals are a great way of thinking long. Goals are well-defined dreams that are measurable." "Goals are dreams with deadlines. If you don't give your dream a deadline, it will be dead before you know it. Deadlines keep dreams alive. Deadlines bring dreams back to life." Mark Batterson








Saltwater Leadership, Second Edition gives some practical advice for leaders.


Learn by reading books.
Observe others.
Take courses.
Practice leadership principles.
Seek growth experiences.
Find a mentor or coach.
Embrace the acronym "SPOM: Study, Practice, Observe and Mentor."

Someone once said about leaders who set goals and live by faith, "For indeed we have the good news shared with us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard."


Take time to listen and set your goals by faith. Be bold, brave, and believe. Be strong and courageous.


Where are you now? Begin with your vision. What is your dream?

"Write down the vision, make it plain on the tablets, so that the reader may run with it.


Keep it within your sight, for the vision points ahead to an appointed time.

Even if there is a delay, wait for it. It is coming and will come without delay. 



