Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Each of us will face many decisions on our journey in life and career. 


Someone asks, "Is there a process for choosing the right way?"


Yes, by asking ourselves four key questions while taking the time to wait, reflecting on past victories in similar situations until we sense something within our heart saying, "this is the way; walk in it."


The key questions are:

1. Does this pathway align with my purpose in life and career?

2. Does this choice I am making support my vision of myself as a leader?

3. Will the path challenge me to exercise my faith?

4. Will this road help me grow as a leader?


Today, let's focus on the benefits of the process.


1. Discernment on the right path. We gain a fresh perspective by taking time to seek wisdom and insight.

2. Conviction. We receive assurance that the road we are choosing is the right one.

3. Courage. We gain new strength and boldness to take the next step forward to victory.

4. Confidence. Our mind envisions the possibilities and outcomes ahead. We experience enthusiasm and resolve to do what's right. Remember the runner. You now see the end from the beginning.


Now we are positioned to lead others with optimism, energy, and power gained through our process. 


We affect those around us positively through our speech, conduct, and attitude. We empower our family, friends, colleagues, clients, and all we serve.


 We use our gifts, talents, and abilities to their maximum capacity and impact the world.


Be encouraged, my friends. We are applying our minds to think the right way about our future. We will profit from the combination of correct thinking, motives, and actions.


Great victories are ahead for you. Do you believe it? I know you do!


Over the past two decades, in studying the lives of great leaders, we see a pattern for us to consider and follow. 


When standing at the crossroads, look and ask for the ancient paths, ask where the right way is, walk in it, and we will experience the victory that is ours. 


Here is a way to test the process:

Study the lives of great leaders you admire to see how they responded at the crossroads.
Evaluate the outcome of their way of life to determine if their approach will benefit you.
Ask for discernment.


Discernment allows us to gain the proper perspective surrounding our decision. With understanding, we obtain the insight needed to choose the right pathway.


Someone once said, "Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment."

At that very moment, something happens inside our hearts! A spark ignites to light our way. We see the path we should choose and the best step to take!



Let me encourage you to try the procedure. I believe you will enjoy the benefits.



Until then, my friends, choose the right path and expect victory!

