Greetings, Summit Leaders.


I love Summit Leaders!


They are focused, dedicated, and disciplined in their life and career journey.


Great leaders are continually growing in their knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, as well as sound judgment. They remember their battles against fear, doubt, unbelief, and pride. They are intentionally alert to other enemies seeking to derail them on their life and career journey.  


Two strong enemies are complacency and presumption. Everyone who has a leadership capacity is under continual attack by the enemy. Great leaders from long ago remind us to stay alert, for our enemy roams about like a lion seeking someone to devour. They overcame the enemy's tactics because they were steadfast in their faith.


In starting our life and career journey, we tend to be on "high alert," giving our best, doing our best, and being our best. However, victory day by day can lull us into a sense of "I know the way." "I already know what to expect; therefore, I do not need as much preparation, insight, and wisdom." Thinking like this is deceiving—one of the tactics of our enemy. 


The truth learned by every great leader is every day is a battle I have not experienced before and must meet with practiced disciplines, reflection, and discernment. They seek the truth about every circumstance. Someone once said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." 


Great leaders are thankful for their victories and often reflect on their progress, and the accomplishments won. They develop competency, character, empathy, gratitude, humility, and thanksgiving in the process. 


"Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself."

Thomas J. Watson


What did I learn during that battle fought and won years ago?
How did I respond when the odds were against us?
What was my thinking like then and now?
How do I best prepare for what I will face today?
What am I most grateful for in my life and career journey?
Who am I, and what will I become?
What impact am I having in the lives of others?




The answers cause new pathways of thinking to be developed. 

Neuroscience says we build a new neuro pathway that leads to transformative thinking when we repeat a thought process enough times.

"Neurons that fire together wire together." As a person thinks in their heart, so they are.


Out of gratitude, we seek to help and serve others with kindness, love, gentleness, and not just to get ahead by ourselves. A clean heart, clear conscience, and confident mind are qualities in every great leader.


The future of a leader who practices the disciplines for leadership growth is one of the more remarkable things yet to come!


The outcome of a focused, dedicated, and disciplined life is an expanded capacity to serve and influence others.


"Do you see a person skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings. He will not stand in the presence of the unknown."


Great leaders expect, anticipate, and prepare for their future and those they serve. 


Thank you for being that type of leader!

