Greetings, Summit Leaders.

We are ready for a breakthrough in our lives and business!

Unity is a powerful attribute that makes a difference in life and business.

Someone said, "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Every great team, leader, company, or family has unity as a core attribute. Great leaders understand their opportunity to create an environment where everyone can flourish and "make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace; each person is working together to make the whole successful."

Summit Leaders are experiencing the value of working together as a team, enabling them to learn from one another. Their teamwork encourages creativity and learning through their shared knowledge and expanding new skill sets while working together. They see that working towards a common goal creates enthusiasm for learning and fosters growth. Leadership includes awareness, being alert, and being diligent in our conversations, actions, and attitude.

Two questions every great leader asks; "Am I impacting my team, clients, company, family for good by the words of my mouth, actions, and attitude?"

"Am I using my gifts, talents, skills, and abilities to serve as best I know how?" The alignment of the two is the first step to eminence.  

The SELDI podcast "The 3 F's for eminence" shares three attributes (Focus, Faithfulness, Favor) and benefits to consider.

I invite you to listen and reflect on the big ideas and apply them as leaders.

Principle 7: The 3 F's for Eminence - Focus, Faithfulness, Favor

Podcast Link
