Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!  


We have a great opportunity before us to experience what great leaders enjoy every day. They lead themselves in intentionally living purposeful lives. 


A Summit Leader shared this quote, "Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself."

Thomas J. Watson


We are together on this journey in life and career. If you are starting this month or have many years of your life and career journey, the exciting truth is that you can always be fruitful and productive.


See a person diligent in their business. They will stand before kings and not obscure people.


Early career professionals and experienced career leaders coming together with a common objective is a powerful combination. Each one profoundly respects the other, and as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.


Someone once said, "Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors, they succeed."

Today, an IBM sales veteran shared this insight with a new Summit leader during this week's training conversation.


"You know what you are going to do. You don't know who you will meet. People will propel your career. Know who you are and why you are doing your work. That person you meet may touch your life and make a difference in your life journey."


Think about someone who touched your life and made an impact for your good. Seek to be that person now in another's life.


At the start of your journey, there is a great promise; "you will be like a tree planted by rivers of water; yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither and whatever you do it will prosper."


Understanding and embracing the promise gives the courage to start, perseverance to keep moving forward, and strengthens you for continuing the race before us.

Those ahead of you have their promise, too; they will be fruitful and still green with vigor and life even in the coming seasons.

Someone once said,

"They will still produce fruit in old age and will stay fresh and green."


Who can you team with on your journey in life and career, knowing that a productive and fruitful life awaits you?


Think about the impact of pouring yourself into another and that person. Life and career grow sweeter, more fulfilling, and adventurous when we work together.  


There is power in caring for each other, and that's the culture and attitude Summit Leaders worldwide are embracing.


What are we building when we exercise caring for one another? When we love our neighbor, as we do ourselves, we create impact and legacy.

What is your impact as a caring leader?


•Culture: Who we desire to be.


•Attitude: A mindset of optimism.


•Reimagine: Innovation, Envision the vision.


•Engage: Collaborate for action.


•Skills: Commit to growth for all.



Summit Leaders care!

