Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Change is inevitable and is the friend of great leaders.


Great leaders understand that change is necessary for growth. 

They embrace change as being part of something new! "I am so grateful to be a part of 'I am doing something new. Now it springs forth. Do you not see it."


Perspective on change is vitally important. The mindset of gratitude dominates the thinking of great leaders during change.  

They see change as transformational for them personally and professionally. The results are a more significant impact on their journey in life and career while influencing others for good as they go.


Thinking the right thoughts is their focus in leadership and living.

Someone once said, "As a man or woman thinks in their heart, so they are."


Change requires the correct thought patterns because the enemies of every great leader are always lurking. "I wrestled with the imposter syndrome but overcame it." Summit Leader.

How can we become the leaders we envision, have the impact we desire, and the success we are working to achieve? Guard our thinking.

Be alert! Take captive every thought not in alignment with your purpose and vision. Build a grid system to protect your thinking and exercise it with patience, perseverance, and practice.

Let these virtues become part of your cerebral defense system. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."


Great leaders understand it takes practice to develop disciplined thinking for everything. They focus on the results and outcomes - transformational leadership starts with one. Sometimes it appears they are the "wild duck." They do not allow this world to mold them in its image. Instead, they are transformed from the inside out by renewing their mind.


I love to observe beautiful butterflies. They remind me of the process great leaders undergo. Their growth requires effort to work their way through their journey from a caterpillar to a cocooned pupa and pressing outward until a breakthrough to become what providence built in them.


Please remember that your growth is determined by how you treat people, respond to circumstances, and what we allow to dominate our thinking.


Outstanding accomplishments begin with one, then a few people who believe it is possible.


One person with faith can be the catalyst that changes a family, company, community, and nation. She does not despise the day of small beginnings. They know the one who is faithful over little will receive the opportunity to be a good steward over much. 


Summit Leaders stay the course, keep the faith, guard their thinking and keep fighting. The victory is assured. Let me hear you say, "I will give you victory!" So, the pupa hears the appeal and perseveres, emerging victorious.


Your transformational leadership is needed to acquire new customers, delight the current ones, and together grow worldwide!


Someone once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has."


According to your faith, be it done unto you.

