Greetings, Summit Leaders!


I admire greatly the leaders who understand their calling and surrender to it.  Great leaders focus on serving others and step forward in faith.   In the development of their vision, the opportunities for more excellent works emerge.


Here is one vision statement I received last week for a member of "The Accelerate 150."  They are a group of leaders in colleges across America.


"After thinking deeply about my vision, I couldn't help feeling scared.


I thought that this is it; growing up is inevitable, and the world, at least my world, is in my very hands. I have spent so much time worrying and thinking and planning to find out that life never really has a strict plan. There are ways to go about things and a deeper meaning to life than that. It is so important to realize why you are here and who you are.


My vision does not have a strict plan, but rather just a little list of lessons I have learned growing up in this fast-paced world. These lessons range from many different things, but most importantly, a few. 


1) Always remember your loved ones and always treat those who care about you with love and respect always. Please do it for them while also doing it for yourself.


2) Change for the better is always okay. Never feel as if you do not need to change. Each day you can get better, whether physically or mentally, so push yourself.


3) If life hits you, do not feel guilty. Things happen, and although you may want to push and push, things happen constantly!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to see my little vision I have right now. I am currently and always trying to get better. Thank you again, Tony!"


Who are you serving? Getting this question right is the indispensable first step to extraordinary, transformational leadership and lifetime impact. 


How can great leaders endure the tests and challenges that come on their life and career journey?  


"I will prepare, and someday my chance will come." Abraham Lincoln


Mr. Lincoln is a model example of outstanding leadership.  In studying his life, you discern a process that most great leaders experience.


Great leaders act and have a sense of purpose for their lives.  

Someone once said: 

"Don't lose a minute in building on the opportunities given, complementing your essential faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love. 


Each dimension fits into and develops the others. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, you grow and are fruitful in all seasons of life."


"Adhere to your purpose, and you will soon feel as well as you ever did. On the contrary, if you falter and give up, you will lose the power of keeping any resolution and will regret it all your life." Abraham Lincoln



Like other great leaders, make your calling and election sure.


"I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me, and I didn't have the heart to let him down." Abraham Lincoln


Be faithful to your calling as a leader because the one who calls you is faithful.  Be strong and courageous!

