Greetings, Summit Leaders.




You are emerging from some of the most challenging times in our lifetime. Your perseverance, patience, and faith all contributed to your ability to navigate the storm.


You persevered and adapted. You believed and encouraged others along the way.


Someone once said, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen."  


We are at the edge of breakthrough growth in every area of our lives. How should we think about navigating the events and making the decisions in our daily lives? 


Great leaders seek wisdom to lead well.


Someone asks, "What does wisdom look like?" and received this response. "Wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere."


Now is our time to continue practicing the disciplines so vital for every leader. Perhaps none is as important as seeking and acquiring wisdom.


I remember reading a quote that said, "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with your possessions acquire understanding."


Many great leaders who have lived before us discovered the value of wisdom in their lives and careers. For example, Thomas J. Watson, Sr. emphasized the vital quality of wisdom in our career success. 


"In these times... all businesses are looking for something that will aid them. You will have to explain more things to more people, but that is all to your advantage because, in that way, you obtain more training. In connection with that point, do not forget that you will need something in addition to knowledge. You must have wisdom. Without wisdom, knowledge is useless. Wisdom is the power that enables us to make practical use of our knowledge." Thomas J. Watson, Sr.



Continuous learning and growth are essential in every leader's life. The distinctive quality of wisdom is what helps our leadership and success endure in all circumstances.  


Our families, colleagues, clients, and communities are the beneficiaries of the benefits of our wisdom.


Wisdom gives us the ability to discern the right decision and timing even though it may seem counterintuitive. 


Someone once said, "before you accept an invitation, implement a plan, sign your name to anything, agree to participate in any venture, ask yourself three questions.

What is the wise thing to do based on my previous experience?
What is the wise thing to do in light of my present state of mind?
What is the wise thing to do in light of my future vision, goals, and dreams?"


The benefits of wisdom in our business help us acquire new clients, serve existing ones, grow as leaders, and impact everyone we meet.


Someone once said, "Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! And with your wisdom, develop common sense and good judgment. The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm."


The best future awaits those who practice wisdom!


