Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Congratulations! You are on your way toward your vision.

Discover and experience the "The Power of a Vision."


Finding our purpose in life begins with "vision"!


SELDI Career Principle # 1 "Vision is essential."


Definition" "How one sees or conceives of something. Showing competence in discernment or perception; and intelligent foresight."


Please take time to review your vision or create one.


We want to encourage you to take time in your busy schedule to reflect for a few minutes. It's easy to get engaged in a frenzy of activity and somehow overlook your purpose for living and work.


On April 5, 2017, we published the first SELDI blog, named "Time Out Wednesday!"


You notice in competition teams take "time outs." Many people practice "quiet time."


It's a time of reflection, refreshment, and resolving to go forward.


Principle #1: Vision is essential.

Action: What's your vision? Write down your vision for yourself. It can be brief, but try to capture your purpose on paper and in your mind.

Purchase for yourself a notebook to record the stages of your journey.


It will become a source of personal inspiration as you move ahead and provide insights to share with others as you lead in life and your career.


Vision starts in the heart and mind. Therefore guard your heart above all things because out of it come the issues of life.


As a man or woman thinketh in their heart, so they are.


Principle Application:

Practice your vision.
Think it through.: (What impact do I want to have with my colleagues, clients, family, community, and the world?)
Please write it down. : (The mechanics of writing make a more profound impression in our minds than just typing.)
Speak it out!: (Rehearse aloud your vision statement until you memorize it.)
Guard against the derailment of your vision.

 .               Avoid misplaced priorities and motivations.



Would you please reflect on these three empowering words to add to your thinking about your vision? Attitude, Believe, Conviction.


"Sow a thought, and you reap an action; sow an action, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny." Ralph Waldo Emerson.


I went back to my first steps in experiencing "The Power of a Vision" in Volume 1 on my life and career journal.


"Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so they may run who reads it."


We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow.


Summit Leaders, let's keep moving forward.


The best is yet to be!


Believe it!

