Greetings, Summit Leaders.

It is possible to finish strong this year!
It is possible to start best for next year!

It all starts within us as leaders. Recently, in a conversation with a Summit Leader, she shared her admiration of the leader from ancient times named Daniel. She admires his courage, conviction, and confidence despite the incredible challenges he faced in his career and life journey.

The essential qualities of leadership were faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy.

Daniel proved himself to be more capable, developed extraordinary abilities, and accomplished much during his life and career.

He practices integrity in all his affairs. He received honor and promotion from three different kings. 

When you see men and women diligent in their business, you can predict that they will stand before kings; they will not stand before mean men.
In all labor, there is profit. We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow.

When studying the practices of great leaders from the past, we ask three essential questions.
What did it mean during the time of his leadership? What does it mean now, and how can I apply the principles to my career and life journey?

Here are four steps to consider as you think about finishing strong this year and starting best in 2021. They are the four Rs.

Reminded:  Everyone needs reminding of critical principles.

1. Run the race set before you with patience and endurance. Avoid the distractions of circumstances beyond your control. You were running so well. What caused you to swerve from your path?

Remember: We gain confidence when we remember past victories.

1. Remember the past victories this year and how you won. Many times the patterns of the past are the ones we continue practicing for starting best.

Renew: Focus on the things that are transforming you as a leader. 

1. Continue thinking about new patterns you are developing. Be no longer conformed to the old routines but continue to be transformed by renewing your mind.  

Resolve: Commit to your vision, calling, and purpose as a leader.  

1. Be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in hope, faith, and love, knowing that there is a reward for the excellent work you are doing.  

Summit Leaders encourage others to share their desire to "become the best versions" of themselves, and through perseverance, practice, and patience, they are growing as leaders.

Great things are ahead as we finish strong the race this year.

Even greater things are in store for us in 2021!
