Greetings, Summit Leaders.

Yesterday, groups of Summit leaders participated in Capstone Projects event. Their Capstone presentation is a significant milestone on their journey in preparing for their new roles. They were remarkable in displaying creativity, collaboration, innovation, and applying the skills learned during their Summit training.

What makes this even more remarkable is they accomplished this during one of the most challenging times in our lifetime with the COVID-19 pandemic and all virtual training and learning.

They turned their obstacles into opportunities!

How did they do it?

They did it through patience, perseverance, and practice while acquiring a more incredible skill of resiliency.

I recall meeting with many of them months ago as they began preparing for their journey.

Now, as they look back on their accomplishments, they hear, "What are you, O mighty mountain?" Before those who prepare, "you will become a level plain." They bring out the capstone!

Their pathway forward is similar to that of great leaders before them. In the process of exercising the disciplines and habits for greatness, they are transforming. They are developing a system of practices. Someone once said, "the art of living is spending our time wisely."

I spoke with one Summit leader who is practicing a new set of disciplines that are becoming habits. She shares some insights from one of her favorite books, Atomic Habits by James Clear.

1. Your habits affect who you are and become. Habits are like wind. You don't see it, but you see its effects.

2. A habit is a reoccurring, repetitive behavior you perform so often that it becomes automatic.

3. Align your habits with your vision and long term goals.

4. The impact of small things done well over time can have a significant effect.

Patience, perseverance, and practice are invaluable. Michael Jordan, considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time, highlights his maniacal focus on practicing being his secret to incredible performances.

"Every day in practice was like a competition, so when the game comes, there is nothing that I have not already practiced... it's a routine. Whatever happens in the game now, okay, I have done this before." Michael Jordan

I encourage you to begin developing your atomic habits in creating your growth plan. As you go, count it all joy in knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance, and in your perseverance, you are growing.

Some of the results are a glad heart, cheerful countenance, optimism, and prepared for what lies ahead. You are ready to serve. Go forward in faith.

The wise are hungry for knowledge. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. They will have honor and influence.

We are like those great leaders before us in that we believe the best is yet to come!

We are expecting, anticipating, and preparing now!
Someone wisely said, "Rejoice! Again, I say, rejoice! You are here for such a time as this!"
