Ok, I’m not gonna lie, we go a little off topic in this episode. We go from talking about internet commenters to pitching a new Ocean’s movie featuring just Danny Ocean and the gymnast that can fit into suitcases. How can you do a heist using charm, flexibility and a small suitcase? I don’t know. But Danny Ocean can figure it out. This week on the podcast, the boys talk about the inconsistency of internet commenters, inconsistent movie numbering, talk about Ocean’s 2, New Year’s Resolutions to be more confident, movies that take place in 2020 and how they expected the future to turn out,  Battlebots vs Robot Boxing, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park fighting each other, Baby Sonic, an alternate Incredible Hulk who turns into a regular man when he gets angry, a beverage based round of Conspiracy Query, Theo’s 3 new Rules for Efficiency(™) for the new year.