This week’s episode dives into a modality that I’ve always been super curious about – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - also known as Tapping. EFT is a treatment that involves tapping on certain meridian points and repeating statements from the certified professional guiding you through the session. It’s a beautiful synergy between the mystical, heartfelt healing modes and the scientifically proven nerve calming methods. Science + Mystical = YES!

 Lauren came to tapping as many of us get to our healing, through our own drive to heal and grow. Our journey tends to lead us to exactly the right places, and Lauren shares how she got there and so much more. 

On the show we discuss: 

Listening to your body’s signalsHow bad feelings are your body’s way of communicating messagesWhy awakenings can be your invitation to explore and growTesting and learning various modalities and how they can lead you to what works for youRealizing that when we are upset, these are often triggers and the underlying problem may be a deeper issue that is asking to be healedSometimes what needs healing is something you aren’t even cognitively aware ofHow through EFT, subconscious thoughts can be brought to the surface allowing for healingHow acupressure/acupuncture relate to EFTWhat meridians are and how they relate to the energy in our bodiesHow EFT allows us to actually feel our feelings – even the hard ones and why it's a good thingThe science behind tapping and how the amygdala is calmed when tapping, reducing cortisone levels, how it regulates the nervous system How tapping can help kidsHow you can tap discreetly to calm yourself in a public situationHow tapping can create overall wellbeing as well as solve specific problemsHow tapping can dig into physical pain and identify the source of the painListen while we have our own tapping session for anxiety and stressWhy you shouldn’t worry if your stress goes up when you first start tapping

 Obvi we cover a LOT! Loved learning about this and have started integrating tapping through Lauren's amazing videos into my own wellness routine. It's all about finding what resonates with you - and I encourage you to give this a go if you've been struggling with anxiety, trauma recovery or just want to feel calm and centered.

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