Having a shortlist of subscribers who are actually interacting with and reading your emails is much better for your reputation as a sender and as a brand.

In this episode, Jordan gives you some quick email tips specifically on Klaviyo to get the most out of your email list and email marketing.

Listen and learn in this episode!


Clean up your list. Make sure that unengaged people on your list go to completely different segments after a specific amount of time depending on your business life cycle (90-120 days). Run them through a re-engagement series and give them a chance to unsubscribe.When they re-engage, have a trigger that sends them back to your regular list.

Connect with Jordan here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-west-marketer/

Book quick wins appointment here:

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If you've been paying attention and your brand is ready to GROW, apply now to be the one new brand we take on this month!


In this episode's sponsor is Tapcart - Integrates seamlessly with Shopify, making it easy for store owners to manage their mobile apps alongside their online stores. It aims to leverage the growing trend of mobile shopping by providing a dedicated app experience that can lead to higher customer retention and increased sales.

Learn more here: Tapcart