Season 2 Episode 3 - Nikki McNeill, Founder of Global Publicity - Brighton

With over 24 years experience in the music industry Nikki McNeill is the founder of Global Publicity which specialises in worldwide PR and communications for music, festivals and events.

Nikki is passionate about the global music scene and only works with clients she truly believes in, giving her an authentic voice that rises above the rest.

Having earned a reputation for hard work, honesty and professionalism, Nikki is dedicated to achieving the best results with campaigns that cross borders with clients including Amsterdam Dance Event, EXIT Festival, Lowlands and Secret Solstice. Nikki has also launched her own podcast series 'Meet Me Backstage' which shines a light on the people working behind the scenes in the music industry.

This week, Nikki shares her journey as a publicist, revealing what a publicist does in the Music Industry, what skills they need, their day to day life and what it's like to work for big festivals.

Over lock down, Nikki has become the Queen of ClubHouse - a new social platform that is audio only. On Clubhouse, Nikki runs a music industry insights club every Tuesday looking at all the current news, trends and insights.

Nikki shares about her contribution over lock down to the Night Time Industries Association their unique role promoting the flourishing night time industry in the UK and the current challenges that have arisen because of lockdown.

Nikki encourages the next generation to have passion for the industry, to be solution focused, be prepared to take risks and innovate quicker ways of working. 

Nikki's choice of book for the Love Live Music Book Club: Seth Godin's Tribes

Thank you Nikki for being a guest on the Love Live Music Podcast.


Contact Nikki:

You can reach out to Nikki on her website: Global Publicity

Clubhouse: @rednikki

Instagram: @rednikkimcn

Podcast- Meet Me Backstage

Nikki's Linked In 

Brighton SheSaid.So led by Nikki


May 27th 2021