It is my absolute pleasure to have guest Jo Hadler - Creative Consultant and BIMM Careers Manager from Bristol on the Podcast this week.

I have known Jo for the past four years where I have lectured at BIMM Bristol on Live Music, Press and Digital strategies, Managing Burnout and had the privilege to Mentor many of the BIMM students.  I love the BIMM students and it has been so satisfying to see many achieve success in the Music Industry. 

Jo is the Founder of new start-up Creative Careers consultancy - @creativecareersconsultancy and the Careers and Employability Manager at BIMM Bristol - @bimm_bristol. 

Jo has worked in the Music and Events Industry for over 17 years and has a wealth of knowledge surrounding the creative industries.  She is a lecturer at BIMM Bristol, teaching Music Business and Events Management.

Her skill set includes an MSc in Occupational Psychology, an Adult Mental Health First Aid Certificate, a PGCert in Teaching and Learning and a BA (Hons) Degree in Professional Musicianship. Jo has skills!

She recently Founded a Creative Careers Consultancy to help creatives identify core career challenges and setbacks.  As a result, her Clients are able to overcome challenges with confidence.  Jo specialises in career counseling and coaching, to assist in providing clients with tools needed to move forward and access success pathways. Please reach out to her - see links below.


In her role as Career and Employability Manager, she gives career support, advice and guidance. She supports students with their first steps into the creative industries – final year students particular benefit from this service as they establish themselves in the music industry.

Jo is also a singer in the award winning Choir Noir - a professional choir made up of hand-picked vocalists from around the UK.


Jo chose this book for the Love Live Music UK Book Club: 

What Colour Is Your Parachute? 2021: Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success (What Color Is Your Parachute?) 

Jo said this book include lots of amazing advice and guidance for those in the music industry - worth a read! 


Thank you Jo for your insights and reflections.

You can find Jo here:

Jo's Business: Creative Careers Consultancy 

BIMM Bristol – reach out to BIMM about their courses - here

Jo Hadler Linked In


Thank you to Abi Reddey for ace production skills and making all the on tour sounds bearable - you are a sound magician! 

Please feel free to reach out to Sally from Love Live Music: [email protected]

Follow Sally on Instagram: @LoveLiveMusicUK

Website: Love Live Music UK

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