Host Paul Owen meets Chris Brindley MBE, former MD of Metro Bank, who stepped away from the corporate world to undertake a portfolio career as NED, International Speaker, Executive Coach and Consultant in business and sport. Chris's current roles include Chair of Rugby League World Cup 2021 and, in the football world, Business Mentor to the Premier League. He was awarded an MBE for services to sport. 

3 key areas are discussed in each episode with an experienced business leader: 1. What makes a successful sales team? 2. How to motivate yourself and your teams when growing a business; 3. The role of leadership in company growth. 

Tune in to hear Chris's views on the importance of peer-to-peer learning and hear about the 90 :10 rule learnt from a Manchester United coaching legend. Stay tuned to the end to hear one of the best 'Calls to Action' for any productive podcast, book or training session.