So many of us hate networking. Even amongst those that don't mind networking, many do it badly.

There is one major reason why this is either the least favourite or the worst delivered business generation platform: WE MISUNDERSTAND NETWORKING.

In this solo episode, your host Paul Owen will share the networking mistakes he made over many years.

He will also challenge you to think again about the point of networking: What are we actually trying to do at an event? The answer does not involve the words 'Sell' or 'Pitch'. 

In just 10 minutes of listening time, you will learn: 

How to re-frame the whole concept of networkingWays to feel more relaxed about attending A process to make the experience more enjoyable (for you AND those you meet)A result that will give you more value for the time spent there

Enjoy the show - and your future networking events! 

Thanks for listening!

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