Host Paul Owen reflects on his interviews with 6 business leaders across Series 2. Each leader was asked 3 core questions: 1. What makes a successful sales team? 2. How to motivate yourself and your teams when growing a business; 3. The role of leadership in company growth. In this episode, Paul shares one or two highlights on each point from each leader to give you a flavour of what they said and a prompt you to listen to the interviews in full (for the first or second time!). 

In addition, each leader was asked for their number 1 tip for the first step in scaling your sales team and their favourite sales book, podcast or speaker. It's a whistle-stop tour full of tips, insights, stories and advice from some of the leading business names in the UK and across the world. 

You're also invited to share your feedback on the series: what worked? What didn't? Who was your favourite guest? Should the episodes in Series 3 be shorter? Or longer? Too much of Paul, the host in Series 2? Or too little? And, if you have any recommendations for a guest, we'd love to hear from you. Enjoy!