What’s going everyone? This Steve Larsen and you’re listening to another episode of Secret MLM Hacks Radio. Here’s the real mystery. How do real MLM’ers like us, who didn’t cheat and only bug family members and friends, who want to grow a profitable home business, how do we recruit A-players into our downlines, and create extra incomes, yet, still have plenty of time for the rest of our lives? That’s the blaring question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Steve Larsen and welcome to Secret MLM Hacks Radio.


All right you, guys. I have been busy at work here, putting out tons of stuff, trying to put lots of content out and trying to help you guys understand how I approach the MLM world. Now, if you’re brand new to this podcast, know that the purpose of what I’m doing right now is documenting the creation of my next product in the MLM field so that you know how to use these tactics to sell your own MLM products, and to basically sell people into your own downline.


Right now, what I’ve been doing though is I just recently … Not recently. A lot of you guys are probably on it, but in secretmlmhacksradio.com, I give a pretty awesome thing away and it’s something that I used to charge for and it’s five different videos that basically teach you how to sell and duplicate more people into your downline. How to do it in a way that makes you seem like a new opportunity rather than something that’s readily available all over the place.


I mean, you could walk down the street and basically ask anyone if they’re in MLM and I bet you don’t have to go very far to find out somebody else who has the same thing that you have. That’s discouraging because you’ll get the same as everybody else, so you got to do something that's different. Somehow you got to create new value out there, right?


I’ve been really stoked about this. I have been in the internet game for quite a while, and probably about … I don’t think if I can put in years to it actually because I mean, I’ve dabbled around a lot, but what I’m really stoked about is that secretmlmhackradio.com currently has a 68% conversation rate and it’s bouncing between 68% and about 70.6% conversion rate. That’s ridiculous and just so you know, there are hundreds of people that have hit it. It’s not like only five people have hit and that’s the conversion rate.


It’s like 500-ish, I believe that’s the number, have hit that page and it means that 70% of those people have opted in for the free course that I give them and I’ve been watching it and got value out of it. That’s ridiculous by the way. It is not easy to do that and I honestly have never had a page convert that high for anything, and I’m laughing so hard that it is converting that well because it’s usually very hard to even get, depending on what you do, even 30% conversion rates which is quite good in the internet marking space.


It’s like, “Holy crap. This is amazing. I kept thinking what else can I do to create culture and I want you to start thinking about how you do this in your own MLM, as in your own downlines. The money is in the follow-up. The money is always on the follow-up. I was recently interviewing a gentleman for a separate podcast show that I do and he was telling a story about how he has been building internet sales funnels for real estate agents. What he learned and what he realized is that there are several different people out there who they only get just a few leads on purpose. They only want 16 leads a month, just 16. That’s it.


Their follow-up sequence is so good than any more than 16, and they can’t handle it. What? Only 16 leads. What on Earth? I mean, they call three times a day, they text three times a day, they email three times a day. They treat that individual like gold. You have to remember that anytime anyone comes to you and says, “Hey, what’s this MLM thing you’re part of? What is it that you do? How come this is something you’re so passionate about?”


You guys, they’re trying to become a lead. All you got to do is bait the hook a little bit and invite them to be a lead. When they’ve done that, remember that they’ve asked you to do that. Don’t get bossy. Don’t become that guy at the party, don’t become that guy at family reunions. You know what I mean? Don’t get annoying, but remember that sometimes people are just busy. You know what’s funny is one of my buddies when he started testing this, and he’s like, “Hey. In this industry is like literally every single time, what happens is when you do that and you are that forward about what it is that you do in your follow up process to your leads,” he’s like, “it’s funny.”


Let’s say that you had five people that you were talking with. Five people that you’re talking with and you’re calling literally every single day, maybe even three times. You’re texting three times a day. No joke. It sounds and feels like a lot, but to that individual, you guys, how busy are you? I mean, how many times do you forget to do simple things around the house? It’s very much the same way. He said of the five, you’ll lose one because they get annoyed, but he’s like the rest of them, honestly, the biggest thing they always say is like, “I’m so sorry. It has taken me so long to get back to you.”


Don’t be snooty about it. Don’t be like, “Hey, I expect you to join.” You’re coming from a position of value, you’re coming to that individual and you’re saying, “Hey, I’m trying to add value to the [inaudible 00:05:17].” You don’t just say that, actually do it. You care about the person. Just because I’m in internet marketing, does not mean I take the human out of this machine, the human element. It’s very much, it’s all about value building. It’s all about beliefs, it’s all about helping people understand but there is more to life.


Create for yourself a follow up process, create culture, create for yourself a place where people can go and learn more about you where it can remove you out for … I love creating tools and third-party stuff because I don’t have to sit in front of them. If they’re feeling a little bit awkward at first so they got some walls up, I don’t need to be sitting in front of them and saying, “Here,” and shoving stuff down their throat.


What I did is I went and created a Facebook page called … If you go to facebook.com/secretmlmhacks, you’ll see there’s about 800 people on there. I actually got rid of about 500 of them because I only wanted people who are interactive. I didn’t want people who are just showing on there. I wanted the best of the best, the cream of the crop so I actually just got rid of 500 people on that Facebook page. Right now we are a lively group of 300 people and it’s been really fun, I really enjoyed it.


I’m trying to build culture. I’m trying to help people realize that there is a place on the internet that they can go and not feel like they’re just going to get spammed to death by fake robot comments on the internet. The Facebook right now, that’s really what that is for the MLM space. I’m sure, I’ve talked about it before on this podcast but it’s called Expert Secrets and it’s by Russell Brunson. What it is, is a book that teaches you how to create culture. That’s just one part of it but in there, he states that in order to create culture, you’ve got to be able to give people a place to set their eyes up on to. Does that make sense?


You got to be able to say, “Hey, here's the flag. Here’s where you’re all trying to get.” It’s you placing the flag up on the mountain so when you’re talking to prospects, you’re talking to people who are out there who want to get to your opportunity whatever it might be or even who show a little bit of interest. Place that flag up there for them. What is $10,000 extra month worth to you? You know what I mean? What would you do with that? Can you imagine with that kind of money? That’s ridiculous. I don't know. You start getting them to talk.


Here’s another little sales tip. Whoever talks the most usually is the one that looses. It was that way when I was a door-to-door sales man or I was a telemarketer. Anytime I’ve done any sales position. Find about the person. Get value. Go out there and try and provide value for the individual. That’s the only reason why that page right now is 68% conversion rate is because it is valuable, I know it’s valuable.


I did use to charge for it. Honestly, it’s still part of the things where people do pay for it and I’m giving it away for free. You know what I mean? That’s really valuable. What it helps people do, there’s massive value behind it. I’ve had a ton of people get so excited about it. This podcast has only been up live for two months now at this point of me recording this, but I know people have really enjoyed it.


Anyway, as you go, create for yourself a culture of value. Do not create for yourself a culture of cutthroat, hard dial, everyone inside your phone book until they’re inside or down. Don’t do that kind of stuff. A lot of people do that. I can’t stand that. A lot of people can’t stand that and that’s honestly where a lot of the bad rap MLM gets. If I found out you’re that kind of person, I’ll kick you from the group. You know what I mean?


I’m that serious about it. I’m that passionate about it. I am trying to help change the MLM industry and the reputation that it has. That is what I’m trying to do. That’s the culture that I’m trying to build. I invite you to come over to the facebook.com/secretmlmhacks but just know if you come there to self-promote or try and sell things to people, I’m going to kick you out. That’s the rules of the culture. That’s the rules of the group.


There’s no leeway on that at all. You do it one time, you’re gone. You know what I mean. What’s funny is what am I doing right here? The same thing I’m doing right here, I want you … I’m calling it out so that you know what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I’m creating rules for the group, I’m creating culture. There’s rules inside of it. I’m creating reputation. I’m creating polarity. If I don’t take a stand and say this is what I believe, if I don’t take a stand and I say … Stand back and go, “You know what, I’m trying to please everybody.” Guess what, guys. That means you please absolutely nobody.


Figure out who it is, who you are and figure out what you stand for and start being more loud about it. When you do that, culture becomes really easy to create. It becomes so easy because you start to attract people to you. The internet is just a big group of congregations and if you want people to come to you in your MLM, in your downline, online or offline, get really, really, really vulnerable about what you believe and people will start to follow you. They will be attracted to you. Does that make sense?


This was huge when I figured this out, when I realized that I shouldn’t be trying to please everybody. I don’t care that I do or don’t. I shouldn’t be. What I need to be doing and what you need to be doing is get really, really honest with yourself, with the people around you, what you’re trying to create and go, “Look, I hate this. I love this,” and create opinions. The goal of the MLM space is not for you to start highlighting your strengths, it’s not.


Now, in the product and the way you sell, you can do that kind of stuff but as far as your culture goes, as far as people following you, as far as you becoming a leader, it is not about highlighting your strengths, it is all about highlighting differences. Does that make sense? It’s all about that because if you don’t do that, you sound like everybody else. Who doesn’t want to be a leader? Who doesn’t want to make money? Who doesn’t want to have impact on the planet? Income and impact, that’s what we’re all going for. Income and impact.


If you stand there and you’re like, “I’m that way too. I’m that way too.” Everybody is that way. It’s easy to highlight that strength because it’s something that speaks to everybody. What makes you different? When you stand back and you start going, “Now I know what makes me different?” That’s good. You find that out by just starting to share at least what you’ve got ideas on. I hope you’re following what I’m saying about this.


There’s this really interesting phenomenon that happens in internet marketing psychology in general, sales in general, MLM in general that if you stand back and you try and become a generalist out of you protecting yourself, nobody will follow you. You will not become a leader. If you stand up though and you start highlighting your differences, 68% conversion rate, you know what I mean? If you start highlighting your differences, figuring out what it is, man get freaking opinionated. Stop standing back, going in the back and being afraid of fending people.


Man, people choose on their own to get offended. Don’t worry about that crap. People get offended on their own. It is a feeling and emotion that they choose to accept and start to feel on their own. Does that make sense? Obviously, I could try my best to offend other people and that’s not good either, but man, stand out and stand up, and start going, you know what, this is what I believe, this is what I’m going for. If you are with me, follow me.


When you stand up with that kind of confidence, when you stand up with that kind of [assurety 00:12:46], people follow you. Your sales message doesn’t need to be as polished when you’re that confident, when you have absolute certainty. There’s a fantastic … He’s a great motivational speaker and a great coach. His name is Setema. I really appreciate him and what he teaches. He teaches that confidence is actually for children. If you want people to follow you, you need to maintain absolute certainty.


Does that make sense? You go and you create absolute certainty. That’s different than confidence. That’s another level up. A leader someone who will follow you, it is because you have absolute certainty. Even if you’re dead wrong, you know what I mean? Certainty is that powerful. What you do is you stand up and you create a culture of value, create a culture of actually helping people and actually caring for people. Don’t look at them like a dollar sign and you can create yourself this awesome community where a downline can grow.


You look at it like a garden box. When I was growing up, my dad used to make me … He’d go stand out every Saturday. No joke. I literally would pick weeds for six hours every single Saturday. I mean it was awful sometimes but man, it taught me to work. Eventually, I learned to like it and eventually I built a business around it when I was a teenager and eventually … You know what I mean? I grew up because he provided the environment.


This is no different. You need to provide an environment where a downline can thrive but most of you don’t do that. You create a downline and understand … I’m probably preaching to the choir if you’re listening to this podcast. A lot of you guys though, if you’re coming out and you’re saying, “Hey, come join, come join.” You never talk to them again or you never create an environment where they can go and thrive, you’re not duplicatable. I don’t care if you have an internet system that helps you automate your downline or not like I do.


If you have no other follow-up or know the communication then it’s going to die, if you have no follow-up at all. If you’re not calling up those leads, if you’re not calling people who already did join the downline. If you’re not creating culture of value, if you’re not actually helping, you know what I mean, then you’re going to fail this. Anyways, that’s my podcast today is I just wanted you to guys know, I’m really stoked. If you haven’t seen the page before, go to secretmlmhacksradio.com and watch the video, watch what I’m doing. Watch why I’m doing it because the same strategy I’m using right there is also the same strategy that’s used to sell million dollars worth of products. You know what I mean? Over, and over, and over, and over again which has been really fun if I had a chance to be part of.


There’s a lot of psychology in marketing behind it and I know that you guys can do it but sometimes you just got to grow a pair. You understand? Maintain Absolutely certainty. Figure out what you want and get very clear about it and start highlighting those differences. Publish those differences. Don’t be afraid of it and if someone doesn’t align with you, that’s okay. Be okay with it. That’s okay. That’s why we’re all different.


There are many different voices in the choir of life. You know what I mean? We’re all different people and its totally fine. It’s going to be way easier on your sales. It’s going to be way easier on what you’re trying to do where you’re trying to steer people if you find like-minded people and one of the easiest ways to do it is for you to get clear on what you believe and start highlighting those differences, not your strengths. Does that make sense?


Anyway, that’s all I got for you guys. Go check out the page if you want to see how I’m getting 68% conversion rate right now. It’s still going up which is awesome, but I think you’ll really, really enjoy it. We’re having hundreds of people hit the page right now and it’s going great.


Anyway, this is me. I’m still documenting the creation of this product, and where I am, and I think you’ll enjoy it. Anyways, please subscribe to the podcast. I would love to hear. If you can go to iTunes and review it, that would be fantastic. It helps me, it helps everybody, and actually it just really gets me motivated which is exciting.


Also, if you have a question that you want to have asked and answered on top of this radio show, again, go to secretmlmhacksradio.com and opt-in. On the very next page, you can record a voicemail straight off your browser to me which I then put inside of the podcast. All right, guys. Thanks so much. Talk to you later. Bye.


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