Hey. How you doing guys? This is Steve Larsen and you're listening to Secret MLM Hacks radio. So, here's the real mystery. Are there real MLM er's like us? Who didn't cheat and only bug family members and friends, who want to grow a profitable home business. How do we recruit A players into our down lines and create extra incomes? Yet, still have plenty of time for the rest of our lives. That's the blaring question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Steve Larsen and welcome to Secret MLM Hacks radio.


All right guys. We got a really fun episode today here. As some of you may know, actually, some of you guys probably don't know, if you go to secretmlmhacksradio.com and you opt in there, what it does is it allows you to ask any question you want that comes up on this actual podcast. And what I do is I go through, and I do vet them, and I just kind of, as far as questions that apply to everybody so we can all learn together. Then what I do is I go through and I listen to them and I actually go toss in the actual question from you guys inside the episode.


So, here is a question. We're going to start with this first question, here right now. First one of this podcast. I do this on my other podcast show and it's been awesome so I thought I'd do it here too. So, great question here from Bernadette here.


Hey Steve. My name's Bernadette. So, I have a question. I know your philosophy is that MLM is more about the opportunity and the products are kind of like an after thought. I've got the opposite philosophy and I'm wanting to build my business around that. I'm wanting to help people through my products. I don't give a, not swearing, about the opportunity. So, can you help me with that and how do I use online funnels to do that? Cheers.


That is a fantastic question. I thought that was really funny, actually. Hey, yeah, absolutely. So, your question is more about, obviously I call it the MLM down line recruiting funnel. Obviously that means it's focusing more so on the opportunity of MLM rather than the actual product itself. And I totally understand. Actually, that's one of the bigger questions that I've had over and over again. Fantastic question on how do I actually sell the product using funnels?


What's interesting is that most of my background is more on how to actually sell products, as far as in my other life I should say. How I got started, my own career, actually. So, you can use sales funnels to sell anything. Anytime you sell anything, whether or not you meant to, you created a funnel. If I go, I've used the example of McDonald's before, if you go into the drive through at McDonald's, and you're in their sales funnel, right, they might get you with some coupon to get in there as their free thing. They might get you with some little ticket thing. They might get you just because you're hungry. But they're almost always trying to upsell you something. Hey, can I offer you this? Hey, you want to biggie size that? Hey, you want fries and a drink? Hey, you want this, this? Hey, you want this? Those are the different up sales that you can give along the way.


Now, it depends on your MLM's compliance. But, one of the ways that I've been working on right now ... I'm working on the launch of this actual product right now. One of the things I'm working on right now is, there are several e-commerce sales funnels that I've built that have gone and two and three x'd companies sales revenues, right. There's a really good model that sells physical products online. And I know that it works very, very well. It's not Shopify. It's not like Amazon. It is the act of taking just a single product and selling that one product, asking if they want more of the same thing and then upselling them on a few other things as well. And it's really, really cool. It works very fantastic. Of the four or five times that I've put that one together for other companies, I almost always three days later, get a frantic phone call, begging me to turn it off, because it works so well. I know it works really, really well.


So, anyways. You could build that kind of funnel for your MLM. And depending on your MLM's compliance, use that to sell physical products online. Now, that product, that funnel, is included in the Secret MLM Hacks product that's coming out soon. I've built that, I've put it all together so that you can plug and play. You can put, again, it depends on the compliance of the actual MLM you're in. I'm only saying that over and over again so that you guys don't get in trouble or obviously so that I don't have liability also, because some MLM's are fine with it and some are not.


So, regardless though, it's going to be part of that product. But it is a funnel that has made, not just like a couple million, we're talking tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars. So, what I did is I included that for you so that you could drop your own products in. You could add your own images, you could add your own copy. And again, it's just using the software called ClickFunnels. If you don't have a trial, don't worry, I have one for you that will come with the product itself when it launches out there.


Anyways, so you could certainly use it to do that. Some of the other ways though, let's say that your MLM doesn't like, cause this is a great question, I'm really glad you brought it up. There's a ton of ways you could do it. So, I just talked about a straight sell method. Where you could go, and you could sell that product as a straight sell, right off of a web page. Well, let's say that your MLM doesn't allow that. You could run contests. I've seen people do that before. They'll go and say, "Hey, share this video or whatever it is, whoever shares the most will win a free ..." It could be a sample or whatever. What that does is it builds your list. Now you can go market to all those people, and you could talk about your products with those people. You could run coupons. You say, "Hey, here's a coupon." And get trials out like that or get samples out like that.


There's a lot of different models and one of the easiest ways to learn how to do it is to go see how the top MLM ers are doing it in your MLM and then just bring that same strategy online. Again, the first MLM I joined, they did not like us using online strategies, so I had to be careful of that. I keep bringing that up so that you make sure that you're not, anyway.


But there's a lot of ways you could do it and actually both provide value and ... I think one of the major, how should I say this, one of the previous episodes that I launched in here, which you've probably heard as well, talked about the importance of creating an offer out of your main product. If you're just selling the main product, let's say a pair of shoes, how many people are selling shoes online? A ton of people. Tons of people are. Well, how come certain pairs of shoes explode compared to others? It's online, they haven't tried them on. So, we're talking about how they look. We're talking about, really, how they look might sell it more, but then also, how the actual offer is set up too. You might have, hey, when you get this pair of shoes, you just get the pair of shoes. Versus the other guy might be, when you get this pair of shoes, I'm also going to give you this cleaning brush and I'm also going to give you this cool cleaning solution. And I'm also going to give you three different colors of laces. And you know what, I'm actually going to throw a warranty in there that if the sole starts to wear out within a year, just send them back and we'll resole these shoes for you.


That is an offer. That is an offer. That's different than a product. And you can do the same thing with your MLM products and I guarantee that most MLM's are going to be fine. Maybe I shouldn't guarantee that. There's thousands of MLM's out there. I don't know all of the compliance policies but this is how I sell the stuff, okay. I put it into a sales funnel. I do straight sales but then also at the same time, you can take your product and you can go wrap it inside of an offer so that you're not just selling the product. You're not just selling your main MLM's product but what you're doing is you're actually selling an offer.


So, you might be selling, let's say that you have a supplement. Let's say that your MLM is selling some kind of supplement. And you've got all these trials, you've got all these different things that people tried to actually get them sold. Rather than just focusing on selling the actual product, what if you sold an information product on why they should be using your product? Or, how should I say this, instead of selling whey protein, you sell the benefits of protein shakes after workouts. It's an info product. It's something really easy to put together and as a bonus, when you buy the course, you get a cool free sample of protein. Well, all it is is a sample of your own product. Does that make sense?


When you start looking and thinking in terms of offers, the entire world around you is going to change as you know it. Look around and see all the other businesses that are selling things. Look around and start looking at the way movie theaters sell you. Look at the way car salesman sell you. Look at the way most of the time, they will sell that one main thing, the main core product, but they get all extra revenue. They actually vet you out through maybe selling a preliminary product.


Anyway, I hope that makes sense. I'm getting kind of techno babble here and I'm so sorry. But, the main idea is that you could sell straight product right off of the internet if your MLM allows it. But, honestly, one of the easiest ways to do it is to go create your own unique little info product and again, don't over think it. But, you can make your own little info product and as a bonus, when they buy it, go and give the sample. Or go and give them the first round of your supplement or the product, whatever the MLM product is itself. Does that make sense?


So, start asking the question, rather than how can I sell this product online, start thinking, how can I turn my main MLM product into an offer? When you do that, that's totally different realm because you're selling the offer, you're not selling the product. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense.


I am super big into this sport called Air Soft. I really love it. It's super cheesy but it's a lot of fun. It's like paint ball. I think it hurts more and is faster pace and is cooler. But it's kind of like paint balling. Well, I just bought all of this stuff online, cause it's fun, but when I bought it, Amazon asks me, you know what, other people bought this, you want to add this to your order? Other people also bought this, do you want to add this to your order also?


It's the same thing online with a lot of online sellers. They'll sell the main thing but then you actually just go and then you toss them over the main thing as a bonus. The actual thing you're trying to get them to buy anyway. A lot of people will call those "burner products" or they'll call them front end loss leader products. It's not the product you're trying to sell, it's just the product that gets them in the door so that you can get the actual conversation going.


There are so many ways that you could sell that. I can't even dive into all that. I hope that you start to see though, that it's really a big, big massive, it's a huge world of possibilities. And one of the easiest things you can do is start to look at other ways people are selling other products in general, and just mirror them, model what they're doing. If someone's successful selling supplements and you're, it doesn't have to be the same supplement or same MLM. It could be some random, it could be a GNC supplement, but they're selling it successfully online, how are they doing it? Then, just take that same model and that's how you build out the sales funnel.


That's the easiest way to do it. If you go and you make it up, that's the easiest way to lose money online. Instead, I would go find somebody who's selling a similar item that your MLM has, ask yourself, "How are they actually selling this online?" And then just model it and that's what you build and that's what you put out and put together. So much easier to do that. It's way less risky.


I used to do it the other way around where I would come up with something that I thought was cool. And it's so dangerous and I lost so much money doing that. It's much easier to just see what's hot, how is somebody actually selling your product? What's the hot way to consume the thing that you are offering? And then you go put that together.


Anyway, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse but I feel like the point's been made. Hey, hopefully that was helpful to you and again, to anybody else who has a question, please go ahead and go to secretmlmhacksradio.com and after you opt in there for a free course, then down on the bottom right there's a button that says, "Hey, start recording." And you can record the message straight off of your browser, which is really cool. Just click the button, start talking and you click it again, it'll send it right to my email. Again, I kind of vet the questions but love to have you on.


All right guys, I will talk to you later and I will see you in the next episode. I'll kind of update you on what's been going on too. Cool stuff. Bye.


Hey, thanks for listening. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback for me. Do you have a question you want answered live on the show? Go to secretmlmhacksradio.com to submit your question and download your free MLM Masters Pack.