The holiday season is upon us, and this time of the year often brings unwelcome guests - stress and depression.

According to the New York Post 31% of Americans describe the holiday season as frantic (Festive Stress is Ruining America’s Holiday Season). It’s no wonder.

The holiday season comes with a dizzying array of demands - parties, shopping, entertaining and cleaning, just to name a few. This is a time of the year when money, or lack of money, leaves people frustrated and often times feeling helpless. And how about the general expectation that everyone must be in the holiday spirit, 24 x 7?

Stats also show that thirty-five percent of American workers report an increase in work related stress (Safety and Health Magazine) during the holiday season. Balancing holiday events and work obligations, having fewer people around to share the workload, and knowing that time off often means returning to a heavy workload in January are just a few of the reasons.

Feeling stressed? Ed Andrew’s says the first thing you should do is get unplugged and get outdoors, adding that there is scientific evidence to support this suggestion.

Ed Andrew is the founder of The Human Consultancy, an International Guest Speaker, Career and Life Coach, and Host of the Ed Andrew Podcast.

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Screw The Naysayers-