Goldie Chan’s LInkedIn video channel (#DailyGoldie) is LinkedIn Top Voice 2018 with over 4M+ content views.

“Engagement and Community Give You the Platform.

The Platform does not give you Community.”

There is so much noise on the internet these days, and a lot of it is coming from people who don’t understand this basic concept.  

More than 50 years ago, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “The Medium is the Message.” For many people the idea was as strange as experimental format of his book-  collage style with text superimposed on visual elements and vice versa. Some pages are printed backwards and are meant to be read in a mirror. Some are intentionally left blank. Most contain photographs and images both modern and historic, juxtaposed in startling ways.

In the context of today’s world, McLuhan’s message is more easily understood. Spend less time worrying about making a perfect video, and more time on communication authentic messages that provide real value. Engagement and community will follow. Goldie drills down on this message.

Goldie Chan is Head of Strategy and Creative at her social media agency, Warm Robots. She also writes for Forbes on Personal Branding and Storytelling in the Digital Age.


You can follow/contact Goldie at:

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to connect.

Email [email protected]


