Have you ever had a job where you started watching the clock the minute you walked in the door, or sat down at your desk?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone.

Conference Board surveys tell us that 53 percent of Americans are currently unhappy at work (Forbes). Truth is the number may even be higher. Gallup reports that a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Can you be disengaged at work and happy with your job?

Kristen Sherry is a career consultant with 1,000+ clients, a public speaker and the author of three career books. The numbers don’t surprise Kristen. For years, her first waking thought was, "What day is it?" If Monday, her stomach churned. If the weekend, a flood of relief. Like so many people Kristen thought this was part of life.

But is it? We don’t grow up dreaming about getting a job that will make us miserable. And logic says that if your job sucks, you should look for a different job. Easy, right?

It should be, but it’s not. And Kristen says she knows why.

People don't know WHY they're unhappy at work or what fulfillment looks like.

On the surface, this seems hard to believe. But Kristen has proof. Kristen takes notes when her clients say they’re unhappy. Then she takes them through her YOU MAP process that reveals the true reasons they’re unhappy. The answers are not the same.

In this episode Kristen talks about her new book, “YouMap: Find Yourself. Blaze Your Path. Show the World”! and explains the process she uses to help her clients achieve career clarity and execute a winning job search.

Contact Kristen:


Website: https://virtuscareers.com/about/

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

Email [email protected]

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Screw The Naysayers- www.screwthenaysayers.com