Scott Horton Show - Just the Interviews artwork

Scott Horton Show - Just the Interviews

1,076 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago - ★★★★★ - 850 ratings

This podcast is for individual interviews on the Scott Horton Show. See the Q & A show feed to hear Scott answer listener questions and for the full show archives.

Scott Horton is the author of Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan, and is the host of the Scott Horton Show podcast. He has conducted over 5,500 interviews with authors, journalists, activists, and whistleblowers on the most important foreign policy issues since 2003.

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9/27/19 Daniel Lazare on What Trump-Ukraine Is Really About

September 30, 2019 04:13

Daniel Lazare rehashes some of the details of “Russiagate”, focusing on the obvious media malfeasance and bias against President Trump, and the theory that the so-called “intelligence community” was doing everything they could to sabotage him. The latest episode in this conspiracy is the Ukraine impeachment inquiry, which democrats seem to have taken up full bore, while acting as if the Russia collusion issue never happened at all. Discussed on the show: “Another Day, Another Scandal. What ...

9/27/19 Jonathan Fenton-Harvey on Trump’s Pandering to Saudi Arabia

September 30, 2019 04:13

Jonathan Fenton-Harvey talks about President Trump’s close relationship with Saudi Arabia and his corresponding push against Iran. Trump seems uniquely willing to come out and say his real reasons for this closeness—that it’s all about money. Trump likes that Saudi Arabia buys billions of dollars worth of weapons from America, which he claims is good for the U.S. job market. He is willing to sacrifice civilian lives in Yemen for the sake of the domestic economy. Ironically, Trump’s isolation ...

9/27/19 Ali Demirdas Explains Why the YPG Can’t Do What Washington Wants

September 29, 2019 03:53

Ali Demirdas talks about the Syrian YPG, a Kurdish organization associated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which America has supported against Assad in Syria. Demirdas thinks this partnership is ill-advised, and that the YPG’s chances of ruling significant parts of the country without U.S. support are low. He also outlines some of the ways America has strengthened Iran’s influence in the Middle East again and again, even though they are supposedly our biggest enemy in the region. Discusse...

9/27/19 Patrick Cockburn on the Changing Nature of Global Warfare

September 29, 2019 03:53

Patrick Cockburn discusses the recent attacks on a Saudi oil facility, an American drone, and two Japanese tankers, all of which have been pinned to various degrees on Iran. It’s unclear to what extent Iran actually was involved—it’s always possible that this is a false narrative being used to gin up tensions and cause a war—but no matter who was responsible, these attacks demonstrate the extent to which countries like Iran and Yemen could wage asymmetrical war on more powerful countries like...

9/27/19 Sheldon Richman on His New Book, ‘Coming to Palestine’

September 29, 2019 03:52

Scott interviews Sheldon Richman about his new book, a collection of essays on the history of Israel and Palestine. He explains that almost everything we’ve heard about the official narrative of the founding of Israel is wrong—far from a country of peaceful Jews constantly under threat of being pushed into the sea by a bunch of hateful Arabs, Richman says the Israelis continues to exist only by occupation, colonization, and removal of Palestinians from land that their families have occupied f...

9/23/19 Nasser Arrabyee with the Latest on the War in Yemen

September 27, 2019 01:22

Nasser Arrabyee comes back for an update on the war in Yemen. Saudi forces continue to bomb Yemeni cities, and American neocons continue to insist that the war is being justly prosecuted against the Iran-backed Houthis. Arrabyee says these claims of Iranian support are overblown. As usual, the American media ignores most of the history and nuances of the war altogether. Discussed on the show:- Advertisement - “Saudis Pound Yemen After Houthis’ Truce Offer” (News From“Saudi-led ...

9/23/19 Hannah Cox: the Death Penalty is Just Another Failed Big Government Program

September 26, 2019 02:02

Scott interviews Hannah Cox, from Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, who explains why anyone who favors smaller government should oppose the death penalty. Among the problems she cites: one in nine death penalty convicts are later outright exonerated, not to mention many more who are released due to potential innocence or procedural issues; the fact that it costs up to $1 million more to execute someone than if they were given life without parole; and that the defendants who get...

9/23/19 David Stockman on the Demonization of Iran

September 26, 2019 02:01

David Stockman talks about the recent drone strike on a Saudi Arabian oil facility and America’s sanctions war in Iran. For some reason, everything in the Middle East seems to be about Iran, as far as American neocons are concerned. They will do anything to turn a situation into an excuse to push for war with Iran, or to hurt them in a less violent but in some ways more horrific manner, like with economic sanctions. Stockman hopes that Trump will realize how advantageous it would be if we cou...

9/20/19 Max Blumenthal on Civilian Life in Syria and the US Sanctions on Iran

September 25, 2019 00:55

Max Blumenthal recounts his recent trip to Syria, where he witnessed firsthand the destruction wrought by the proxy war fought there with the support of the U.S. To this day, willingness to negotiate with the Assad regime makes you a pariah in Washington, as we’ve seen from Tulsi Gabbard’s presidential campaign. Blumenthal also talks about America’s economic war on Iran, which, like all sanctions, hurts only a country’s people and rarely does anything to accomplish the supposed political ends...

9/20/19 Shireen Al-Adeimi on Samantha Power’s Revisionist Yemen History

September 25, 2019 00:55

Shireen Al-Adeimi discusses the U.S. role in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, particularly that of Obama administration official Samantha Power. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of civilians have died from starvation and deprivation during the war in Yemen, many of them children. Al-Adeimi explains that part of the reason it’s so hard to get democrats to criticize President Trump for what his role in the war is that they would have to reckon with Obama’s part in helping the Saudis start the war...

9/20/19 Christine Ahn on a Chance for Peace With North Korea

September 25, 2019 00:54

Christine Ahn joins the show for an update on the Korean peace process, now that John Bolton is out of the Trump administration. She thinks Bolton was a major obstacle to Korean unification, and that now Trump might go along with the negotiations between the North and South—something that recent American presidents have been unwilling to do. One of the democrats’ favorite attacks against Trump, that he “sides with dictators,” completely misses the point, says Ahn. In defying John Bolton to ne...

9/20/19 Catherine L. Besteman on America’s Shadow War in Somalia

September 23, 2019 20:42

Catherine Besteman joins the show to share some of her research about America’s covert proxy war in Somalia. American military intervention in Somalia goes back at least as far as the Bush administration’s support for Ethiopia in its invasion of the country in 2006, and Besteman says this type of intervention has done nothing but empower groups like Al-Shabaab, which the U.S. supposedly wants to curtail. As usual, the mainstream media has little interest in covering what’s really going on. D...

9/20/19 Gareth Porter on Why Iran’s Role in the Oil Attack is Beside the Point

September 23, 2019 20:40

Scott interviews Gareth Porter about his recent article for the American Conservative about why Iran’s possible role in the recent Saudi oil field attacks is beside the point. Porter thinks it’s pretty likely that Iran was behind the attacks, probably as a demonstration of their ability to seriously disrupt the global economy with very little cost or effort. But this should not in any way dissuade the Trump administration from trying to establish peace between the U.S. and Iran, and if anythi...

9/20/19 Grant F. Smith on Virginia’s Taxpayer-Funded Israel Lobby

September 22, 2019 18:01

Grant Smith lays out the astonishing corruption taking place between state governments and big business in cahoots with foreign lobbies across the U.S. He focuses on two large companies in Virginia that are tied to the Israel lobby, whose massive coffers allow them to infiltrate “advisory boards” and sway state power in their favor. By finagling special grants and privileges for themselves, they can easily outcompete the smaller businesses trying to play by the rules of the market. Worst of a...

9/20/19 Mike Swanson on the Next Big Bubble

September 22, 2019 18:00

Mike Swanson is back with his forecast for the stock market and the next recession. Swanson thinks that the next crash could begin to set in motion an unravelling of the whole bubble of the dollar system itself, which might lead to the type of stagflation we saw in the 1970s. His advice, as always, is to diversify, including some money in gold and silver. Mike Swanson provides investment advice at and is the author of The War State: The Cold War Origins Of The Military-I...

9/19/19 Ted Galen Carpenter on the Destruction of Libya and Ending NATO

September 22, 2019 15:26

Ted Carpenter’s new book explains why NATO is both obsolete and dangerous for world peace. Its obsolescence is clear: NATO was founded as an alliance against the Soviet Union, which hasn’t existed for thirty years. It’s dangerous because continued NATO expansion into eastern Europe, despite promises not to do just that, have increased tensions between Russia and the U.S. and its allies. Instead of an end to the Cold War, NATO has helped give us a second one. Scott and Carpenter also talk abou...

9/19/19 Yossi Gurvitz on Netanyahu’s Political Future

September 21, 2019 13:08

Scott interviews Yossi Gurvitz about the Knesset election in Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stands to lose his position to Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel’s Blue and White party. Gurvitz explains some of the reasons Netanyahu’s tenure has been so bad for Israel, Palestinians, and the world, but says that the alternatives aren’t necessarily much better. At the moment the election is still too close to call. Discussed on the show: “The crumbled throne” (Mondoweiss)Oslo Acco...

9/14/19 Robert Naiman on How Congress Could Stop the War in Yemen

September 18, 2019 12:08

Robert Naiman explains why the Saudi-led war in Yemen, which Scott calls the worst thing the U.S. is doing right now, is unjust and unconstitutional. President Obama started to support the Saudis in their campaign during his second term, supposedly as a favor in exchange for Saudi Arabia’s support of the Iran nuclear deal. Naiman says that Nancy Pelosi has a unique opportunity to make ending this war a priority through the House-Senate Conference Committee, but it’s unclear whether she really...

9/13/19 Kelley B. Vlahos on the FBI and America’s ‘Dr. Death’

September 17, 2019 19:40

Kelley B. Vlahos tells Scott about two of her recent American Conservative articles, one about the FBI’s investigation of on spurious grounds following the 9/11 attacks, and the other a review of the new book, Poisoner in Chief by Stephen Kinzer. The book tells stories about the American government’s experimental mind-control programs, secret programs to test drugs and other chemical and biological weapons on civilians, and general abuses of human rights in the name of “science”. ...

9/13/19 Ryan McMaken on America’s ‘Underfunded’ Trillion-Dollar Military

September 15, 2019 22:33

Scott talks to Ryan McMaken about the true costs of America’s “national security” state, both in dollars and in secondary effects on the daily lives of Americans. Even though the official number is quite a bit lower, McMaken has estimated the true cost of the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus at close to a trillion dollars per year, since we should be factoring in things like Department of Energy funding that goes to nuclear weapons, medical costs for the VA, and the budgets of Homelan...

9/13/19 Dan McAdams on the Great Ron Paul

September 15, 2019 22:32

Scott and Dan McAdams rehash some of the heroic legacy of Ron Paul in light of Scott’s new book of his interview transcripts with Dr. Paul. As congressman, Paul had both an authentic charisma with his constituents, and a real passion for what he felt was his calling in Washington D.C. Both are rare in politics today. McAdams reminds us how much of Paul’s job in congress could be loathsome to him, and yet he persisted out of a drive to do what he felt was right. Without more figures like him i...

9/13/19 Daniel Davis on Bolton’s Departure and Negotiations with the Taliban

September 15, 2019 22:31

Daniel Davis is back, this time discussing his recent USA Today op-ed on John Bolton’s ouster as President Trump’s National Security Advisor. Bolton was a fierce war hawk who pushed Trump toward war on almost every front, explains Davis, often apparently contravening Trump’s own good instincts. Davis is hopeful that Bolton’s replacement will help get negotiations in Afghanistan back on track, but fears that Trump could appoint someone who’s almost as bad. Discussed on the show: “Bolton push...

9/9/19 Nasser Arrabyee on the Ongoing War in Yemen

September 12, 2019 02:45

Nasser Arrabyee is back with an update from Yemen, where civilian casualties resulting from the Saudi-led war there have climbed past 100,000, by even conservative estimates. This number doesn’t include any of the people who have died from malnutrition and easily preventable diseases, which surely includes tens if not hundreds of thousands more. Nasser Arrabyee is a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a, Yemen. He is the owner and director of You can follow him on Twitter @narraby...

9/6/19 Dan Cohen on Mob Violence and Nativism in Hong Kong

September 10, 2019 13:48

Dan Cohen comes on the show for an update on the protests in Hong Kong. Though positioned as a popular pro-democracy movement, some of the protest leaders have alarming ties to American think tanks like the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which may be trying to influence the movement in a direction that will benefit U.S. interests in the end. Cohen says the protesters certainly have good grounds for their outrage, but that we should be careful fully supporting a cause whose motives and...

9/6/19 Giorgio Cafiero on Israel’s Attacks on Iraq and the War in Yemen

September 09, 2019 18:58

Giorgio Cafiero comes back on the show to talk about how the utter disaster of America and its allies' policies in the Middle East for the last 20 years. It seems like at every turn America's wars—ostensibly undertaken to make the region free of terrorism and safe for democracy—have done nothing but strengthen our "enemies" and make the position of our allies more precarious. Unless U.S. war planners start to learn the lesson of blowback, says Cafiero, they are doomed to keep making the mista...

9/6/19 Melissa Etehad on the Real Toll of US Sanctions on Iran

September 09, 2019 18:45

Scott talks to Melissa Etehad about the effects of U.S. sanctions on ordinary Iranians. The “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran is meant to inflict suffering on the whole country in order to pressure its government into meeting America’s demands. Unfortunately, it is poor civilians who bear most of the brunt of these policies, and it’s not at all clear whether the pressure on the government actually works. At the moment, both the Trump administration and the government of Iran seem equal...

9/6/19 Matthew Hoh on a Possible Peace Deal in Afghanistan

September 08, 2019 13:20

Scott interviews Matthew Hoh about the apparent peace deal in the works between the United States and the Taliban in Afghanistan. The American side has announced such a deal as basically finalized, but as yet nothing has come from the Taliban to officially confirm that. The usual clamor has been coming from prominent neocons about how withdrawing now would be the same as admitting defeat. Scott and Hoh don’t totally disagree with that, but they know that if American troops stay in Afghanistan...

9/6/19 Sam Husseini on Katharine Gun’s Heroism and Joe Biden’s Villainy

September 08, 2019 13:19

Sam Husseini talks about the new film, "Official Secrets", which tells the story of Katharine Gun, a British intelligence analyst who leaked information about the false case for war in Iraq to the press in 2003. Scott and Husseini also talk about Joe Biden's record on opposing the war—at the time he was perfectly willing to go along with the war, but now he has to pretend he's been an opponent all along. Discussed on the show: "Film ‘Official Secrets’ is the Tip of a Mammoth Iceberg" (Conso...

9/6/19 Asa Winstanley on the Documentary the Israel Lobby Doesn’t Want You to See

September 08, 2019 13:13

Asa Winstanley reminds us about the incredibly important documentary, The Lobby USA, which was produced but then shut down by Al Jazeera, and finally released by Winstanley’s organization, The Electronic Intifada. The documentary exposes the unbelievable power and reach of Israeli lobbying in American politics through undercover reporting, meaning everything comes directly from the people involved. All four parts of the documentary are available on YouTube and at Disc...

8/30/19 John Kiriakou on the Deep State’s Search for a ‘Russiagate’ Scalp

September 03, 2019 22:03

John Kiriakou fills in some of the details of the real story of Maria Butina, the alleged Russian spy who is said to have conspired with the 2016 Trump campaign. The problem with the official narrative, explains Kiriakou, is that Butina is not a spy at all and there’s no evidence for illegal activity, except for a Foreign Agents Registration form that she should have filled out but did not. For this relatively minor, first time offense, Butina is serving more than a year in prison and has had...

8/30/19 Danny Sjursen on the Hidden Cost of America’s Endless Wars and How Trump Could End Them

September 02, 2019 16:03

Danny Sjursen explains why staying in Afghanistan, even indefinitely, won’t make any difference in its eventual outcome. Right now the U.S. military is only enforcing the Kabul government’s grip on a small part of the country, and if they leave, either the Taliban will take over the country, or Kabul will hang on to an even smaller sliver. These are the two possible outcomes, says Sjursen, and it doesn’t make a difference if America withdraws today, next year, or in another twenty years. The ...

8/30/19 Jim Bronke on Joe Biden’s Role in the Iraq War and the Media’s Refusal to Cover It

September 01, 2019 13:34

Scott interviews Jim Bronke about Joe Biden’s role, as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in militating for the invasion of Iraq in 2002. He deliberately stacked hearings meant to examine the potential threat of Iraqi WMD with war hawks that he knew would support the conclusions he wanted them to. Today, most democratic politicians and voters don’t seem to care at all about Biden’s worst crimes, and instead like to focus on comparatively trivial issues like his stance on busing ...

8/27/19 Gar Alperovitz on the Decision to Nuke Japan

August 29, 2019 03:24

Historian Gar Alperovitz shares the history of America’s use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Contrary to what most of us learned in school, many of the top military officers and intelligence officials were adamant at the time that use of the bombs was unnecessary to get the Japanese to surrender, which they expected to happen as soon as the Soviet Union invaded. The bombs were used instead as a political maneuver to intimidate the Russians, but which of course only led to the di...

8/26/19 Philip Weiss on the Zionist Doctrine of the Trump Whitehouse

August 28, 2019 11:10

Scott interviews Philip Weiss about Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the way the Palestinian people have been completely deprived of their rights there. Weiss is glad that the recent fiasco around Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s visit to Israel has brought publicity to the BDS movement, but is baffled that most Americans are either unaware of Israel’s gross abuses, or simply don’t care. Discussed on the show: “Trump is parroting Zionist doctrine: U.S. Jews must be loyal to Israel” (Mon...

8/26/19 Jacob Hornberger on the Trump Economy and Jeffrey Epstein

August 28, 2019 01:19

Jacob Hornberger explains why the American president has become a democratically elected dictator, largely through the president’s power to manage the economy by threatening businesses, negotiating trade agreements with foreign countries, and issuing executive orders that impact the way private companies run their businesses. Donald Trump has put this on display the way few previous presidents ever have, but his protectionist policies are also a big part of what got him elected by middle-Amer...

8/23/19 Peter Van Buren on ‘The Hiroshima Myth’

August 26, 2019 18:14

Scott talks to Peter Van Buren about the effects of war on American culture. They discuss the fact that America has been at war almost constantly for its entire history, ever since the nation was formed by overthrowing the British. Having an external enemy supposedly allows people to put their differences aside and feel unity as a country, but it comes at the cost of money, lives, and an ever-increasing encroachment of government power into the private sphere. Van Buren also discusses his rec...

8/19/19 Trevor Aaronson on the Case of Hamid Hayat

August 21, 2019 01:14

The Intercept’s Trevor Aaronson joins the show to talk about the travesty of justice in the trial of Hamid Hayat, who has finally been released after nearly 15 years in prison. Hayat was an alleged terrorist, convicted based on a coerced confession he gave to FBI agents under duress, as well as recordings from his conversations with an FBI informant who had pretended to befriend Hayat’s family. Hayat is just one of many such cases of U.S. government entrapment, which make up the majority of s...

8/16/19 Gareth Porter Debunks the Claims of State Election System Hacking

August 21, 2019 01:13

Gareth Porter explains why the claim that the Russian government “hacked all 50 U.S. states” is false—namely, the states themselves know that their systems were intact! The narrative has nonetheless been pushed continuously, as democrats try to justify Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss by any means necessary. Discussed on the show: “U.S. States: We Weren’t Hacked by Russians in 2016” (The American Conservative)“Russia Targeted Election Systems in All 50 States, Report Finds” (The New York Times) ...

8/16/19 John Mueller on Finally Ending the War in Afghanistan

August 19, 2019 17:20

Scott interviews Cato’s John Mueller about why it’s time to leave Afghanistan. Fundamentally, the Taliban cannot be defeated at any remotely acceptable cost of American lives and U.S. dollars, says Mueller, and at the same time military interventions has only made the Al-Qaeda problem—America’s original enemies—even worse. Fortunately, it seems like President Trump might see ending the war in Afghanistan as a possible path to reelection. Discussed on the show: “Overcoming Inertia: Why It’s ...

8/16/19 Alan Kuperman on America’s Support for Al-Qaeda in Libya

August 19, 2019 17:19

Alan Kuperman explains the true story of the 2011 civil war in Libya, which the United States famously and disastrously supported. Contrary to the narrative that this uprising was started by regular, educated citizens like doctors and lawyers, Kuperman and his research assistants discovered that the key actors fomenting revolution were actually Al-Qaeda veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Kuperman reflects on the dangers of reckless use of American military force throughout the years. Discusse...

8/16/19 Max Blumenthal on Joe Biden’s Catastrophic Record in Latin America

August 19, 2019 13:09

Max Blumenthal explains how the policies of the Obama administration, pushed by Joe Biden in particular, have fueled the migration crisis in Latin America we see today. Notably, America gave material support to the Colombian regime that massacred thousands of innocent civilians and dressed them as guerrilla revolutionaries in order to claim they were winning the war, and thereby get more aid from the U.S. Biden also supported brutal regimes in Honduras, El Salvador, and other countries, whose...

8/16/19 Jim Bovard on Bill Clinton’s ‘Benevolent’ Murder of Serbian Civilians

August 18, 2019 03:27

Scott talks to Jim Bovard about Bill Clinton’s bombing campaign in Serbia twenty years ago, which at the time was widely heralded as a triumph of the “forces of good.” It was also, apparently, something that Bill Clinton did as a way to appease Hillary after the fallout from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The entire narrative of “ethnic cleansing” that was put forth as justification for American intervention turned out later to have been overblown, with, in actual fact, casualties (and some atr...

8/12/19 Nasser Arrabyee on Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

August 14, 2019 01:08

Nasser Arrabyee discusses the latest Saudi war crime against Yemeni civilians, the bombing of a family on the first day of Eid al-Adha. He also gives a summary of the last few months of the horrific war there, replete with complex political nuances that will not be resolved by a simple and total military victory. The war goes on only because the United States government continues to lend material support to the Saudis and will not openly condemn the conflict. Discussed on the show: Nasser A...

8/12/19 Jason Ditz with the Latest on Afghanistan

August 14, 2019 01:07

Jason Ditz discusses a recent Taliban suicide attack in Kabul and a report finding that about 40,000 soldiers on the books of the Afghan army don’t really exist. These so-called “ghost soldiers” often abandon their posts, but army officials don’t report it, since it’s in their interest to appear to have as many soldiers as possible. Ditz sees this report as a good sign that the government is trying to clean house before a peace deal with the Taliban. He and Scott lament the fact that so few A...

8/9/19 Pete Quinones on Gun Control, Health Care, and the War on Drugs

August 13, 2019 20:52

Pete Quinones, formerly Mance Rayder, discusses some of his recent articles for the Libertarian Institute, covering gun control, Trump’s election in 2016, and Bernie Sanders’ proposed health care laws. After the shootings last week in El Paso and Dayton, many Americans have been calling for stricter gun control laws. Quinones reminds us that anything approaching the full confiscation of guns across the entire country that would be required to actually stop those who are desperate to get a gun...

8/9/19 Eric Margolis on the Dangers of Nuclear War Between India and Pakistan

August 12, 2019 03:59

Scott interviews Eric Margolis about the recent legal change that will now allow non-Kashmiris to buy land in Kashmir. Kashmir is majority Muslim, and has been the subject of territorial disputes between India and Pakistan for years. The fear is that the legal change will allow the Indian government to slowly annex pieces of Kashmir away from (at least nominally) independent control by sending settlers there. Scott stresses the added danger that since both sides of the conflict have nuclear w...

8/9/19 Hunter DeRensis on the Dangerous Foreign Policy of ‘National Conservatism’

August 11, 2019 21:56

Scott interviews Hunter DeRensis about the National Conservatism Conference, part of a movement that DeRensis describes as trying to come up with intellectual rationalizations for Trumpism after the fact. Crucially, this new national conservatism movement did not exist to support Trump as a candidate, nor did it foresee or advocate something like Trump’s policies. It has instead emerged as a means to make them seem wise and acceptable by coming up with justifications that may or may not be th...

8/8/19 Ben Freeman on the Military-Industrial Jobs Scam

August 11, 2019 21:55

Ben Freeman talks about President Trump’s friendship with Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson and what it means for the military-industrial complex. Trump likes to boast about keeping businesses—particularly those related to military industries—open and hiring in the United States, but Freeman explains the reality that these companies do not create any net jobs at all. Scott references David Stockman’s “Great Deformation”, a concept describing the unseen effects on the economy when politician...

8/2/19 Ray McGovern on ‘Deep State-Gate’

August 05, 2019 02:53

The great Ray McGovern talks about the real dangers behind the phony Russia collusion probe, namely the near-impossibility of detente with Russia thanks to the democrats’ insistence that any of President Trump’s inclinations in that direction must be based on his being a traitor to America. Scott and McGovern both think the premise is ridiculous, of course, but more importantly it increases the risks of a global nuclear war. McGovern says he would be perfectly fine impeaching Trump, but not f...

8/2/19 Muhammad Sahimi on the Truth Behind Economic Sanctions

August 03, 2019 23:25

Scott interviews Muhammad Sahimi about President Trump’s new sanctions on Iran, which are even stricter than those imposed by President Obama, since they eliminate some of the previous waivers and cover even necessary goods like food and medicine because, even though not technically sanctioned, the financial institutions necessary to broker any kind of deal are not willing to operate in Iran for fear of legal action by the U.S. government. Sahimi likens these sanctions to those placed on Iraq...


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