Scott Horton Show - Just the Interviews artwork

Scott Horton Show - Just the Interviews

1,076 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago - ★★★★★ - 850 ratings

This podcast is for individual interviews on the Scott Horton Show. See the Q & A show feed to hear Scott answer listener questions and for the full show archives.

Scott Horton is the author of Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan, and is the host of the Scott Horton Show podcast. He has conducted over 5,500 interviews with authors, journalists, activists, and whistleblowers on the most important foreign policy issues since 2003.

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11/21/19 David Stockman on the Phony ‘Ukrainegate’ Witch Hunt

November 23, 2019 01:55

David Stockman discusses everything that’s going on with Ukraine and President Trump right now, which he says is nothing more than a shallow ploy to oust the president and to gin up fear around the general threat of Ukrainian and Russian power. Stockman reminds us that compared to America Russia has a tiny GDP and a weak military, posing no credible threat to the U.S. They would be perfectly happy to get along with us, he says, if it weren’t for a deliberate effort to expand NATO right up to ...

11/18/19 Ted Snider on the Bolivian Coup America’s Always Wanted

November 19, 2019 23:51

Scott interviews Ted Snider about his recent article, “Finally Got Him,” which explores the details behind the coup in Bolivia. Although it’s being held up as a triumph of democracy, Snider says this is obviously a coup, just like recent cases in Venezuela, Brazil, Ukraine, and many others. “Democracy”, in fact, pretty much just means whatever political outcome is favorable to the U.S. government. And for some reason, the puppets in the mainstream media are perfectly happy not to question any...

11/18/19 Reese Erlich on Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq

November 19, 2019 23:50

Reese Erlich has the latest on some of the many conflicts in the Middle East today. He first discusses the strange fact that most Americans seem utterly unaware of what’s going on between the Israelis and the Palestinians whose land they are occupying. Too often, the narrative is simply that Israel is an advanced, first world country that wants peace, and Palestine is just a group of savage terrorists bent on murdering Israelis. Erlich moves on to discuss the latest with the demonstrations in...

11/15/19 Jimmy Dore on the Moral Bankruptcy of the Democratic Party

November 19, 2019 23:48

Scott talks to comedian Jimmy Dore about all the problems with the foreign policy positions of the Democratic presidential candidates. He and Scott agree that the only one with a halfway decent antiwar stance is Tulsi Gabbard, who the media has been trying their utmost to silence. Even Gabbard, though, has a fairly conventional view of the wars against Al-Qaeda, and what separates her is that she’s the one willing to oppose the wars America is fighting for Al-Qaeda. Dore says that all the cur...

11/15/19 Daniel Ellsberg on America’s Hair-Trigger Nuclear Holocaust

November 19, 2019 16:40

Daniel Ellsberg discusses the Kings Bay Plowshares case, in which he was set to testify as an expert witness before such testimony was banned by the judge at the last moment. His testimony would have centered on the threat that these Trident missiles pose to end almost all human life on earth. He says most people are totally unaware of just how dangerous the global nuclear situation is at the moment, and how easily a nuclear war could be set off. Ellsberg applauds people like the Kings Bay Pl...

11/15/19 Eric Margolis on the Fall of Communism and the New Cold War

November 18, 2019 21:00

Scott talks to Eric Margolis about the history of the Soviet Union and its aftermath, in honor of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall last week. Margolis reminds us what a mistake the Cold War was, as is the new Cold War that American neocons and neoliberals seem so intent on perpetuating. These people are not the Soviet Communists of yesteryear, and there is no reason we can’t get along with them. In fact, given the arsenal of nuclear weapons with the potential to end human life o...

11/15/19 Daniel McAdams on America’s Own CIA-backed Coup

November 18, 2019 20:59

Daniel McAdams talks with Scott about some of the unintended—or maybe not so unintended—consequences of America’s support for regime change revolutions all over the world. These include powerful drug cartels, the rise of regimes that are more extreme and violent than the ones they replaced, and immigration crises and terrorism that can come back to directly affect America and its allies. Not only is the current impeachment inquiry into Ukraine a direct result of the Obama administration’s bac...

11/15/19 Michael Bell Sr. on Getting Justice for His Son

November 18, 2019 15:41

Michael Bell shares the story of his son, who was killed by police in 2004 at age 21. Michael Jr. was coming home after a night out, was accosted by officers for spurious reasons, and was eventually fatally shot after one officer claimed Michael was trying to take his gun from him. Michael Sr. has spent the last 15 years putting together his own investigation into his son’s death, fighting to uncover the truth and to change unjust laws about police misconduct investigations. You can find out ...

11/15/19 Ray McGovern on the New ‘Russiagate’

November 18, 2019 15:40

Ray McGovern explains some of the background to the current Ukraine impeachment inquiry, starting with the fact that Russia is obviously just being used today as a bogeyman and a scapegoat for fears of any potential challenge to absolute American global hegemony. McGovern reminds us that after the Russiagate narrative completely fell flat, the democrats and the mainstream media shifted seamlessly to supposed Ukraine corruption, without ever acknowledging the false narrative they’d been pushin...

11/9/19 Scott’s Speech at the 2019 Ron Paul Symposium

November 13, 2019 23:42

Listen to the audio from Scott’s speech at the Ron Paul Symposium on state propaganda and the 2020 election in Texas last weekend. He talks about how important it is, now more than ever, to present a credible opposition to the neoliberal consensus that dominates both major parties today. He sees the 2020 election as a unique opportunity to show the American people that they have another option, and that the best way to do so is to attack the left from the left and the right from the right, re...

11/11/19 Jacob Hornberger on His Campaign for President

November 13, 2019 22:30

Scott interviews Jacob Hornberger about his bid for the presidential candidacy of the Libertarian Party. Hornberger has all the right libertarian positions: End all the wars, end the drug war, open up a free market in health insurance—and just about anything else you can think of. Scott urges all of his listeners to consider joining the Libertarian Party in their states so that we can revive the spirit of the Ron Paul revolution and take advantage of this unique moment in American electoral p...

11/11/19 Danny Sjursen on Reclaiming Veterans Day

November 13, 2019 16:08

Danny Sjursen advocates for a reclaiming of Veterans Day and a return to the principles of the holiday originally known as Armistice Day. Armistice Day celebrated the end to one of the bloodiest wars in world history, and Sjursen reminds us how eminently worthy of celebration that occasion is. But the modern Veterans Day is not only meaningless and soulless, he says, it also implies that there will always be veterans to celebrate. This attitude helps enable acceptance of America’s forever war...

11/7/19 Ron Enzweiler on the Neocons’ Absurd Syrian Oil Narrative

November 11, 2019 19:59

Scott interviews Ron Enzweiler about President Trump trying to keep troops in Syria in order to seize their oil fields for American use. Enzweiler says that apart from this being illegal under international law, Syria’s oil fields amount to about 0.2% of the global supply, and the cost of keeping U.S. troops and infrastructure there is orders of magnitude greater than the potential revenues. Enzweiler says Trump’s statements are really about promoting Israel’s interests—since a military prese...

11/7/19 Francis Boyle in Defense of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7

November 11, 2019 19:59

Scott interviews Francis Boyle about his attempts to help Liz McAlister and the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 in their legal battle for what he views as justified civil resistance. McAlister helped break into the Kings Bay nuclear base in order to peacefully and symbolically protest America’s illegal possession of warheads that could end all life on the planet. Boyle was part of a team of advisers and expert witnesses with experience getting acquittals in previous cases like this, but the night befo...

11/7/19 Matthew Hoh on the Unwinnable War in Afghanistan

November 11, 2019 19:59

Matthew Hoh discusses the extraordinary difficulties in resolving the complex political and ethnic tensions in Afghanistan, something that the U.S. military has been trying to do for going on 20 years. Hoh says that during his time there he saw lots of practices by the Kabul government that clearly weren’t any better than tribal or Taliban rule, like bribery, extrajudicial killings, and women treated as second-class citizens. It’s no wonder that the Afghan people, particularly Pashtuns, are l...

11/7/19 Tara Copp on the Rising Cancer Rates Among Veterans

November 11, 2019 02:47

Scott talks to Tara Copp about her research on cancer rates among military veterans, particularly air force pilots, whose powerful radar systems may be a contributing factor to multiple types of cancers. Copp reminds us that causality is very difficult to establish in complex studies like this, but wants to lay out the astounding numbers of servicemen and women who are contracting and dying from cancer at young ages, many of whom have been exposed to probable carcinogens like depleted uranium...

11/7/19 Ali M. Latifi on Life in the Most Drone-Bombed Country in the World

November 11, 2019 02:47

Ali Latifi talks about his reporting on the drone war in Afghanistan, the most drone-bombed country in the world. He tells us one of the most troubling facts about America’s drone campaigns: that almost everyone who is killed in a drone strike gets labeled an “enemy combatant” by default, and the only way to change that label is by an American investigation after the fact, which rarely happens. This would even include journalists like Latifi, who holds a U.S. passport, when he puts himself at...

11/7/19 Elizabeth Murray Exposes the Lies Behind Douma

November 11, 2019 02:46

Scott interviews Elizabeth Murray about the supposed chemical attack in Douma, Syria in 2017, which was used to justify an immediate bombing campaign by the U.S. and its allies. A thorough investigation was only conducted months later, and the reports of this investigation were not released until 2019. Murray and her colleagues, along with a group of OPCW whistleblowers, have recently pointed out all the problems with the claims about this supposed chemical attack. During her career in nation...

11/4/19 Dan McKnight on the Fight to Bring Our Troops Home

November 07, 2019 01:36

Dan McKnight of BringOurTroopsHome.US comes on the show to announce his organization’s upcoming event, in which hundreds of veterans of the terror wars will be gathering in Washington D.C. next week to take the antiwar message to our political leaders. The event will feature keynote speeches from high-profile officers now involved in the antiwar movement, and then attendees will go meet with their congressmen. Anyone who wants to join can find out more at

11/4/19 Ramzy Baroud on the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians

November 07, 2019 01:35

Ramzy Baroud discusses the often-forgotten Palestinian Christian minority, which faces all the same problems at the hands of their Israeli occupiers that the Palestinian Muslims do. People in the U.S. are often surprised to learn how many Christians there are in Palestine, but Baroud reminds us that this is the oldest Christian region in the world, and once had a huge population of practicing Christians. Today that population is dwindling as they are either forced out of their land, or leave ...

11/4/19 Jordan Smith on the Miscarriage of Justice for Rodney Reed

November 06, 2019 04:40

Scott interviews Jordan Smith about the case of Rodney Reed, a Texas death row inmate convicted in the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites. For years there has been criticism of the investigation and trial of Reed, including allegations of mishandling of evidence, lack of DNA testing, and possible deliberate police cover-ups, all of which have become all too familiar in recent years. Today a growing movement that includes celebrity actors and musicians is calling for a reexamination of Reed’s case b...

11/1/19 Sheldon Richman on the True History of Israel

November 04, 2019 19:13

Sheldon Richman shares some of the real history of the Zionist movement, described in his new book, Coming to Palestine. Richman reminds us that this history started long before the Second World War, and was originally not a refugee movement at all. It was simply a project to try to get all Jews worldwide to reconstitute their historical and biblical homeland in Palestine. Given that Jews all over the world had already established homes in other countries for generations, it’s understan...

11/1/19 Trevor Timm on Julian Assange and the Threat to Press Freedom Everywhere

November 04, 2019 03:31

Trevor Timm talks about the inhumane and potentially life-threatening conditions Julian Assange is being held in as he awaits trial for violations of the Espionage Act. Apart from his treatment, which a UN representative has said is akin to psychological torture, the legality of the charges under international law are highly questionable, since Assange is not a U.S. citizen, but is being prosecuted under an American law. Timm warns that this indictment sets up an incredibly dangerous standard...

11/1/19 Elijah Magnier on the Unrest in Syria and Lebanon

November 03, 2019 14:16

Scott talks to Elijah Magnier about what’s going on in Syria, with Russian troops now helping to mediate between Syria and Turkey, and where President Trump has announced his intention to seize formerly ISIS-controlled oil fields for America. Scott and Magnier agree that this move is surely illegal, and that it doesn’t even make much economic sense. Magnier also discusses Lebanon, where widespread civil unrest has failed to result in any actual political change as yet. Elijah Magnier is a Se...

11/1/19 Jason Ditz on Syria, Iraq and Yemen

November 02, 2019 17:23

Jason Ditz talks about President Trump’s announcement that he wants American oil companies to take control of the oil fields in eastern Syria, which, beyond the troubling legality of such a move, implies that the U.S. might have to leave troops in Syria indefinitely. This is a rather dramatic turnaround from Trump’s apparent desire to get out of the war in Syria, as seemed to be the point behind the recent withdrawal from the northeast. Ditz also talks about the protests against Prime Ministe...

10/31/19 Dan Cohen on America’s Treasonous Support for Revolution in Syria

November 02, 2019 17:20

Dan Cohen discusses what he calls one of the greatest scandals in modern American history, America’s role in helping start the Syrian civil war. Under President Obama, says Cohen, the CIA started funding and arming the “moderate rebels,” who actually were mostly members of Al-Qaeda and its  offshoots. Cohen explains the various name changes that these jihadist groups have undergone, which have allowed the media and the public to pretend that America’s new alliance with these extremists wasn’t...

10/25/19 Jon Schwarz on America’s Long History of Betraying the Kurds

October 29, 2019 19:12

Jon Schwarz gives us a brief history of America’s many betrayals of the Kurds since the end of World War I. In a recent article for The Intercept he describes at least eight separate times the U.S. government has used Kurdish fighters to its own advantage and then later allowed, or even encouraged, other countries to turn on them while America pulls its support. Although he thinks President Trump’s betrayal of our Kurdish allies this time around is bad, just like all the other times, he remin...

10/25/19 Kieren McCarthy on the FBI’s National Security Surveillance Lies

October 28, 2019 20:02

Kieren McCarthy discusses the recent revelation that the FBI has access to the NSA’s national security database, and has queried it tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of times. The database, gathered under special surveillance powers by the NSA and CIA, is not supposed to be accessible by other law enforcement agencies, except under special cases of investigating foreigners for purposes of national security. But it turns out that regular FBI agents have in fact been using it to gather inform...

10/25/19 Trevor Aaronson on the FBI’s Unconstitutional Investigative Powers

October 28, 2019 15:18

Trevor Aaronson discusses some of the FBI’s egregious abuses of its power over American citizens, most recently brought to light by their use of an informant to investigate a law-abiding militia group in California for years. Although the FBI claims to be concerned with acts of violence alone, and not ideology, cases like this are clear examples of their willingness to go after people only for their views, and despite the absence of any wrongdoing whatsoever. Most of the supposedly foiled ter...

10/21/19 Charles Glass on Syria, Turkey, Iran, and the Kurds

October 22, 2019 21:05

Scott interviews Charles Glass about America’s long involvement in Syria, starting with the Obama administration’s support for the insurgent side in the country’s civil war in 2011. This move, made partly with the intent to limit the influence of Iran and Russia in the Middle East, has actually ended up strengthening them, as their positions have been vindicated by the failure to overthrow the Assad regime. Glass outlines the many times the U.S. has used the Kurds for their own devices and th...

10/18/19 Patrick Cockburn on Winding Down the War in Syria

October 22, 2019 05:02

Scott talks to Patrick Cockburn about the situation with the Kurds in Syria. Scott calls Syria a win-win-win-win: The Kurds have negotiated a deal with Assad that will give them some autonomy and protection from Turkey, Turkey gets a roughly 30-mile border buffer with Syria, the American people get a partial withdrawal from an unnecessary theater of war, and the Russians see their support for Assad more or less affirmed. The only real losers are those who want to see a perpetual American pres...

10/18/19 Peter Van Buren on the Impeachment Derangement in Washington

October 21, 2019 03:16

Scott interviews Peter Van Buren about his recent article in The American Conservative, “Finding a Vaccine for the Impeachment Derangement Virus.” Van Buren argues that whatever President Trump’s real crimes might be—most notably continuing to help the Saudis prosecute a war of genocide in Yemen—nothing that the Democrats have tried to nail him with is actually convincing at all. Of course, if Trump’s political opponents were serious about holding him accountable to the law, they would also b...

10/18/19 Doug Bandow on Avoiding Another Cold War

October 20, 2019 20:19

Doug Bandow comes back on the show to explain the importance of America taking a backseat with Ukraine, particularly with respect to its dispute with Russia over Crimea. Bandow reminds us that Crimea has historically always been a part of Russia, and that it was seized back from Ukraine with relatively little violence and general support of the population. Bandow sees it as oddly selective to vehemently oppose Russia’s authoritarianism when the U.S. seems perfectly willing to support other op...

10/18/19 Dan McAdams on Partisan Outrage over Syria

October 20, 2019 20:18

Scott talks to Dan McAdams about the U.S. withdrawal from northeastern Syria, and the ensuing negotiations between Assad, the Kurds, and Turkey. McAdams reminds us that the whole crisis was only precipitated by America’s decision to intervene in Syria’s civil war, a thinly-veiled attempt to overthrow the Assad regime. Scott reminds us that, as usual, it’s really all about limiting Iran’s influence in the Middle East. Discussed on the show: “Veterans doubt value of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan ...

10/18/19 Elizabeth McAlister on Nuclear Winter and the Kings Bay Plowshares 7

October 20, 2019 20:17

Elizabeth McAlister of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 updates Scott on her legal situation, following an April 2018 incident in which she and other members of her organization broke into a Nuclear Submarine facility. The Kings Bay Plowshares are a group of Catholics dedicated to peacefully protesting America’s use of nuclear weapons, which, as McAlister reminds us, have the potential to end all life on Earth. McAlister was recently released from jail, and continues to await her trial. This episo...

10/14/19 Ramzy Baroud on Israel’s Torture and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians

October 16, 2019 23:08

Ramzy Baroud joins the show for an update on Israel and Palestine. He wants to dispel some common misconceptions about Israel, starting with the fact that the country didn’t even exist before 1948, while Palestine has a history that goes back thousands of years. Today, Israel is commonly held to be the sole bastion of civilized liberal democracy in a sea of primitive radical Islamism, but Baroud says this too is incorrect. While Israel might be more advanced by certain metrics, they purposely...

10/14/19 Ben Freeman: How the UAE Wins in Washington

October 15, 2019 17:56

Ben Freeman joins Scott to talk about his new study on the Emirati lobby, which wields enormous power in Washington D.C. The UAE generally has a good reputation in America, usually being associated with glamor, cosmopolitanism, and vast oil wealth. In reality, their government—corrupt like Saudi Arabia—isn’t afraid to use torture and child soldiers, and is every bit as responsible for the genocide in Yemen. The reason for this difference in perception, says Freeman, is that the UAE has a huge...

10/14/19 David Stockman on the Media and Establishment Hysteria over Syria

October 15, 2019 17:56

David Stockman discusses the outrage that has followed President Trump’s movement of a few dozen troops out of northeastern Syria. Stockman is quick to clarify that this is not even a withdrawal of troops, just a relocation from one part of the country into another, safer area. With this much hand-wringing from the mainstream media and the Israel lobby, how could Trump ever actually end a war? Scott and Stockman agree that the situation certainly looks grim, but remind us that Trump really do...

10/11/19 Joe Lauria on The New Yorker’s Partisan Disinformation on Biden and Ukraine

October 14, 2019 21:32

Scott interviews Joe Lauria about his recent Consortium News piece calling out the failures of The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer and the rest of the mainstream media’s “investigative journalists” to actually do any investigative journalism with respect to the Ukraine impeachment inquiry. Lauria points out that at the very least, Joe Biden is guilty of a level of nepotism that should be totally unacceptable—and he recently even admitted this himself. But Lauria also reminds us that the Obama adminis...

10/11/19 Matt Taibbi on the Fake ‘Ukrainegate’ Whistleblower

October 13, 2019 16:20

Matt Taibbi talks about the bizarre origins of the Ukraine impeachment inquiry being conducted in Congress. He carefully explains the distinction between real whistleblowers like Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning, who risked their lives and freedom to expose genuine atrocities, and this anonymous, possibly coordinated, leak, where the figures in question face little consequence, and in fact have strong political incentive to side with those who might come to power as a result of their actions...

10/11/19 Danny Sjursen on Syria and the End of America’s Forever-Wars

October 13, 2019 04:02

Scott talks to Danny Sjursen about President Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeastern Syria, which Sjursen views as the first instance of him actually following through on a major promise made on Twitter. Sjursen says that to surprise the generals and war planners with this kind of announcement is exactly what they deserve, and may be the only way Trump can actually pull back from any of our military operations without getting stymied by the deep state. Sjursen reminds us that what...

10/11/19 Chas Freeman on the Erosion of US-Sino Diplomacy

October 11, 2019 23:53

Chas Freeman talks about America’s relationship with Taiwan, which the U.S. has long considered an official part of China. Since 2018, however, our stance has begun to change in what Freeman considers a dangerous way. Because American policy prevents direct arms sales to China, it’s in the interest of the military-industrial complex to promote Taiwan as a sovereign entity. This might be fine if all one cares about is democracy and self-governance, but it could be extremely hazardous in the ev...

10/10/19 Daniel Davis on the Proper US Policy in Syria

October 11, 2019 23:53

Daniel Davis discusses President Trump’s recent announcement that he wants to withdraw American troops from Syria. He made a similar announcement a year ago, and just like back then, he’s now being met with fierce opposition, along with claims that to leave now would mean abandoning our allies in the region. What Trump’s critics really mean, say Davis and Scott, is that this move could strengthen Iran’s power in the Middle East, which is the worst nightmare of all neocons. Davis says that des...

10/8/19 Dan McKnight on the Need to Bring Our Troops Home from the Middle East

October 08, 2019 22:44

Dan McKnight joins Scott to discuss his very important organization, Bring Our Troops Home, which argues against America’s endless wars in the Middle East from a constitutional conservative position. Scott explains how the left has always been pretty good on the war issue, as is the older generation of Vietnam-era veterans who have turned anti-war. What we really need in order to change U.S. foreign policy is for the large base of younger republicans, including veterans of the current wars, t...

10/7/19 Reese Erlich on Turkey, Syria, and Egypt

October 08, 2019 22:43

Scott interviews Reese Erlich about the situation in Turkey, where the government is beginning to carry out a plan to get rid of the country’s Kurdish population in a kind of soft genocide that consists mostly in displacing native Kurds with Syrian refugees. Scott and Erlich also discuss the current protests against Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Discussed on the show: “Foreign Correspondent: Turkey Plans an Attack on Syrian Kurds” ( with Crumbling StatesWarr...

10/4/19 Andrew Cockburn on the America’s Military-Industrial Swamp

October 07, 2019 15:19

Andrew Cockburn talks about what he calls the legal corruption of the U.S. government and various lobbying industries. Whether it’s arms manufacturers, steel, farmers, or health insurance, practically every major industry in the U.S.—and some industries abroad—works with politicians to get favors and special treatment. Joe and Hunter Biden’s scandal with Ukrainian energy companies is just the most recent example, but is certainly not unique. Unfortunately partisan loyalty clouds people’s judg...

10/4/19 Adam Wunische on the Real Costs of the War in Afghanistan

October 07, 2019 15:19

Adam Wunische joins the show to discuss his work in assessing the true costs of the war in Afghanistan and the future of the American military there. He and Scott remind us that most metrics used to describe the costs of war assume that you can put a value on the loss of human lives, the physical and mental suffering of soldiers who do come home, and all the other subtle effects felt at home by the citizens of a nation at war. Clearly that’s not true, and it probably explains why the country ...

9/28/19 Sheldon Richman on the Real Story of Israel and Palestine

October 03, 2019 05:28

Scott interviews Sheldon Richman about his new book, Coming to Palestine, a collection of Richman’s essays on the founding of Israel. Richman was raised in a Jewish household to believe that Israel’s cause was just and worthy of support. He now believes that the narrative he got as a child—the one that most people get—is practically the exact opposite of how things really stand in almost every regard. His new book tells the real story. Discussed on the show: Coming to Palestine Sheldon Ric...

9/30/19 Nasser Arrabyee on the Houthi Attack on Saudi Forces

October 01, 2019 11:16

Nasser Arrabyee is back with an important update from Yemen, where Houthi forces are now claiming to have captured thousands of Saudi soldiers in a battle in August. They likely view this as leverage in a possible peace negotiation, but Scott fears that it could also provoke President Trump into supporting America’s allies, the Saudis, in an even more violent retribution than what is already being carried out. Discussed on the show:- Advertisement - “Yemen’s Houthi rebels release Saudi atta...

9/27/19 Mark Perry on America’s Foreign Policy Follies

September 30, 2019 04:14

Mark Perry discusses some of the disasters of America’s foreign policy for the last 20 years, particularly U.S. support for Saudi Arabia in their war in Yemen and repeated cases of empowering Iran by starting or supporting ill-advised conflicts that end up making Iran look strong. Perry says there’s no way to wrap up our involvement in the region; America simply needs to get out now and stop perpetrating this injustice altogether. Discussed on the show: “The Military Officials Who Knew Saud...


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