Terri has been a Deputy District Attorney for 27 years. As a prosecutor, she has handled a variety of cases including murders, assaults, robberies, and drug crimes, among others. She currently serves as the Chief of the South Bay branch. Prior to this assignment, she was the Chief of Narcotics for 3 years, where she saw the number of fentanyl deaths skyrocket. As a mother of three grown children, and as a prosecutor, she felt compelled to take action in an attempt to save lives. This was the motivation behind the upcoming Juvenile Opioid Summit, called SDNeeds2Know.


View Youtube Video Here  https://youtu.be/8BIBVMqZPaQ


Terri Perez's Links

Website  https://rb.gy/zojczh and https://rb.gy/npdf1g

Facebook  https://rb.gy/dhvtf9

Email  [email protected]


Scott H Silverman's Happy Hour (Podcast and Personal)

Cell Number 619-993-2738

Linktree:  https://pos.li/2jp89q 

Email, Scott  [email protected]

Email, Michael  [email protected] 


Michael Glenn Moore's Links

In A City Like Yours

Linktree:  https://pos.li/2jp891

Email  [email protected]