"Hi! My name is Joanie Frank, and I own B Frank Communications. From the time I was young, I realized that I had a gift for public relations and publicity. My father owned a very prestigious ad agency, and from the time I was 12, I spent my summers working there. I learned about traffic, media, and public relations from the creative department heads, who took me under their wings. I followed this career path through undergrad and graduate school, and I learned that I have an innate gift for this work.

I have the ability to go into a business and intuitively know exactly how to promote it, see the hook, and realize the angle. For me, it's like breathing. But what I didn't comprehend until fairly recently is that this ability is truly a gift that is mine alone."


 View Youtube Video Here  https://youtu.be/GVMN7x8ennc


Joan Frank's Links

Website  http://pos.li/2j6a0i

Facebook  http://pos.li/2j6a0k

Twitter  http://pos.li/2j6a0l


Scott H Silverman's Happy Hour (Podcast and Personal)

Cell Number 619-993-2738

Linktree:  https://linktr.ee/SHSHHPodcast

Email, Scott  [email protected]

Email, Michael  [email protected]