Adam Fout is an addiction/recovery / mental health blogger and a speculative fiction/nonfiction writer in North Texas. He blogs at He is a graduate of the 2020 Odyssey Writing Workshop and was a finalist in the F(r)iction Spring 2020 Nonfiction Contest. His nonfiction appears or is forthcoming in December 2020, J Journal, The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review, Another Chicago Magazine, and superstition [review]. His speculative fiction appears in Flash Fiction Online, Pulp Literature, and DreamForge.


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Email  [email protected]


Scott H Silverman's Happy Hour (Podcast and Personal)

Cell Number 619-993-2738

My Linktree:

Email, Scott  [email protected]

Email, Michael  [email protected] 


Michael Glenn Moore's Links

In A City Like Yours (Podcast)

My Linktree:

Email  [email protected]