00:00:00 - You may not describe the Paleopals as rich, dark and smooth, but this week their drinks all were. That's something. Isn't it? It's not? Oh, moving on then.

00:04:51 - Birds like conventional wheat better than organic wheat according to a new study. The Paleopals dance around with this hot potato of a food issue.

00:20:36 - Ryan sounds like a jock during Trailer Trash Talk as he complains about the brainiacs who will out-research him once they finish high school in this week's trailer for the documentary Whiz Kids.

00:30:42 - Get down with Greenland, cause things are moving up. Wow, that made no sense at all but there's no time to fix it. The point is Greenland is rising and it's probably you and your CO2's fault. I hope you're happy. Greenland is soggy, wet, high and dry.

00:38:27 - Getting high can make you sick, and we're not talking about drugs. Altitude leads to adaptation in the people of Tibet, and a new study shows just how deep those changes go. Sir Edmund Hilary eat your heart out.

00:48:29 - PaleoPOW this week brings you a new feature to the website in the form of a Brachiolope Gallery, another reason for being a scientist from Cynthia G. and a place you probably don't want to add to your bucket list from Grainne S.


Thanks for listening! Find more great content at http://www.sciencesortof.com/


Music for this week's show:

Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder

Fields of Gold - Sting

Kids - MGMT

The Snows They Melt the Soonest – Jesse Autumn & Friends

Everest – Ratatat