00:00:00 – Ryan is the only one drinking alcohol this week. That's probably the sign of a dependency issue, but he'd argue the Paleoposse depend on great content and that he's just stepping up.

00:05:44 – There are holes in the Milky Way. Listener Angella Beshara is relying on the Paleopals to get to the bottom of it! Only Ryan stands in the way with his usual nonsensical sidebars.

00:15:41 – Beavers have been industrious up in the great wet north, but we have our eye on them… from space! Then Ben goes off on many tangents about Canadian history, because who would know if he didn't tell us? They certainly don't teach us about it in school.

00:30:11 – T-cubed this week is talking about the “documentary” Cropsey. What if the boogie man was real? Scary! What if he was from Staten Island? Well, none of us grew up there, so significantly less scary. And maybe fake. You decide!

00:44:29 – PaleoPOW is a doozy this week as the Paleopals celebrate a milestone, answer tough question from Charles Kressbach about The Flash without the aid of Tom Katers, and finally get inspired for new topics by Jaqueline F.

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Music for this week's show:

Reasons to Quit - Phosphorescent

Holes to Heaven – Jack Johnson

O Canada – Celine Dion

Drinking at the Dam - Smog

The Kids Don't Stand a Chance – Vampire Weekend