Tom Burton has been an educator for 35 years including as a superintendent and associate superintendent for a total of 8 years at Princeton City Schools in Ohio. In July 2023, he retired and shared his insights and expertise with SchoolCEO.  Follow him on X/Twitter at @TBurton_Empower

In addition to this episode, you can watch Tom Burton’s TEDx talks. Watch “Sometimes the Apple Bounces” about breaking the cycle of poverty and “Finding Resolutions: Questions the Answers” about developing the mindset to confront ourselves and make progress.

- Leaders need to challenge the status quo and get comfortable with dissent and disagreement to spark new thinking. Ask "why" repeatedly to dig deeper.

- Model the behaviors and mindsets you want to see. Consistency between beliefs and actions builds culture. 

- Stay positive and solution-focused. Don't let setbacks derail you. Reflect but don't dwell on mistakes.

- Implement programs and changes systematically. Evaluate frequently and course correct.

- Collaboration and transparency lead to better ideas and outcomes. Value all voices.

- Gratitude and recognition motivate teams. Look for authentic ways to say thanks.

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