Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Scholarly Self-Care Podcast. This podcast is all about supporting YOUR social and emotional well being. This is a space for educators, parents, aunts uncles, play aunties, play uncles, caregivers of all types. In this episode, you will learn more about me, how I define self-care and what to expect in future episodes. Let’s get started on our self-care journey together!


Linked in - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tia-navelene-barnes-ab262576/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/drtianbarnes

Website - https://www.drtiabarnes.com/



Dr. Tia N. Barnes is an education researcher with a passion for improving social/emotional outcomes for culturally diverse students and those with emotional and behavioral disorders. Her research focuses on the social-emotional well-being of minoritized populations. To study this she focuses on the areas of social-emotional learning, culturally responsive pedagogy, and special education. Her research has been published in Prevention Science, International Journal of Educational Research, Aggression and Violent Behavior, Infant and Child Development, Journal of School Violence, and Developmental Review.

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