Ep. 12 - Kasey Jo Orvidas, Ph.D. - Creating Autonomy, Awareness, and Achievement Through Building a Growth Mindset

PHD, Coach, and CEO of KJO Coaching - Kasey Jo Orvidas (@coachkaseyjo) Kasey holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from N.C. State and is a certified health and fitness coach, with an expertise is in mindset and health behavior change. Kasey combines research with a deep degree of clinical experience as a coach, having been published in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals for her research exploring the relationship between our mindset and our health and fitness behaviors. As well as having transformed hundreds of lives (and minds), through leveraging her unique background to efficiently and effectively communicate with clients to help them create sustainable lifestyle changes. Along with helping clients, Kasey Jo also mentors other coaches to incorporate the use mindset change into creating positive results in their coaching businesses

Key Takeaways

Your mindset operates on a continuum - You can have a fixed mindset about some things and growth mindset about others Having a double edge mindset can be a double edged sword - if you can change you were also responsible for the decisions that led you here Shifting your mindset is incredibly malleable and can be as simple as reading a fake news article Show Highlights Overcoming Stigma's Around Health and Fitness - 1:00 How to Overcome the Fear of Judgment - 5:00 Stop the Spiral of BS in Your Head - 10:00 The Key Questions to Ask Your Clients - 21:00 The Importance of Creating Autonomy - 24:00 Framework for Effective Coaching - The GROW Model - 31:00 Double Edged Sword of a Growth Mindset - 42:00 Fixed vs. Growth Mindset - 45:00 Growth Mindset vs. #PositiveVibes - 53:00 Moving From Fixed to Growth Mindset - 1:01:00 Fake News - 62:00 Confidence vs. Self Efficacy - 1:06:00


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