
You pay them more than you pay yourselfManaging them is complicatedScope of work is always changing so you’re always hunting for the right helpThe list can go on…

The reality is that most agency owners and service providers I know have far too many contractors or team members for how much revenue they are pulling in.

And, as the owner, they are still hardly making any money.

All that headache and for what?

The fastest way to optimize your team is to optimize what you offer.

We’ve focused on the 5 ones mentality for a while.

One avatar

One solution

One conversion vehicle

One traffic source

One year

If you do follow that plan you’ll catapult your business forward.

But what’s better, is by focusing on the “one solution” - you get really clear on

WHO you actually need on your team to remove yourself from the day-to-dayWHAT systems need to be installed to make them rockstars and handle more of the load.

Whether you’re productizing your service or adding a coaching/consulting model to your agency, you can really generate a lot of revenue with a lean and mean team.

I know many high 6 and 7 figure business owners with a small but mighty team.

I’m talking 3-5 core people.

In this video I break down the key roles you need to run a successful and profitable online coaching/consulting business.