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SBS Indonesian - SBS Bahasa Indonesia

4,323 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 days ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Indonesian-speaking Australians. - Berita dan cerita independen yang menghubungkan Anda dengan kehidupan di Australia dan warga Australia yang berbicara dalam bahasa Indonesia.

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A virus with unknown causes is making young children very sick - Virus dengan penyebab yang tidak diketahui membuat anak-anak sakit parah

May 24, 2022 12:17 - 10 minutes - 9.6 MB

Last April the World Health Organisation announced a disease outbreak of what seems to be a form of hepatitis of unknown causes Since then there has been an increasing number of cases that in particular make young children very sick.  A Is there a link between this virus and COVID-19? - April lalu, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) mengumumkan wabah penyakit yang tampaknya merupakan bentuk hepatitis yang tidak diketahui penyebabnya. Sejak itu, ada peningkatan jumlah kasus yang secara khusus...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022

May 23, 2022 13:26 - 13 minutes - 12.3 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022.

Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022

May 23, 2022 13:26 - 13 minutes - 12.3 MB

Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022.

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022

May 23, 2022 13:26 - 13 minutes - 12.3 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Mei 2022.

KBR 68H: Ide sederhana Risna untuk membawa kebahagiaan kini didukung oleh ratusan relawan

May 23, 2022 13:20 - 8 minutes - 8.12 MB

Risna Rosman mengajar bahasa Inggris kepada anak jalanan kurang mampu di Bandung. Risna mengalami masalah untuk membuat mereka memperhatikan pelajaran? Tapi kemudian Risna menemukan cara untuk membuat pembelajaran menarik bagi anak-anak.

Making workplaces more friendly to workers with a disability - Menjadikan tempat kerja lebih ramah bagi pekerja penyandang disabilitas

May 23, 2022 11:34 - 7 minutes - 6.96 MB

Research shows improving Australia's rate of employment for people with a disability could add 50-billion dollars to Australia’s G-D-P (gross domestic product) by 2050. - Penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan tingkat pekerjaan untuk penyandang disabilitas, dapat menambah 50 miliar dolar ke PDB Australia (produk domestik bruto) pada tahun 2050.

Interest rate rises, should we be panic? - Suku Bunga Naik, Kita Perlu Panik?

May 23, 2022 01:06 - 10 minutes - 8.25 MB

With the Reserve Bank of Australia's interest rate rising to 0.35 per cent, how much of an impact will this have on those with loans or savings in the bank? What choices do we have if we have difficulty paying the instalments? - Dengan suku bunga Reserve Bank Australia yang naik menjadi sebesar 0,35 persen, seberapa besar dampaknya bagi mereka yang memiliki pinjaman atau pun tabungan di bank? Apa pilihannya jika kita kesulitan untuk membayarkan cicilan?

Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 22 Mei 2022

May 22, 2022 07:39 - 8 minutes - 8.19 MB

Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 22 Mei 2022

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 22 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 22 Mei 2022

May 22, 2022 07:39 - 8 minutes - 8.19 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 22 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 22 Mei 2022

New South Wales mengesahkan undang-undang kematian yang dibantu secara sukarela

May 22, 2022 07:31 - 5 minutes - 4.99 MB

New South Wales telah menjadi negara bagian terakhir yang mengesahkan undang-undang kematian yang dibantu secara sukarela setelah diperdebatkan selama 10 jam dalam majelis tinggi sebelum akhirnya meloloskan RUU itu dengan 24 suara berbanding 13.

Scientists warn of worsening effects of global warming - Para ilmuwan memperingatkan efek pemanasan global semakin memburuk

May 22, 2022 07:04 - 5 minutes - 4.99 MB

A new report from the World Meteorological Organization has found that four key climate change indicators set new records in 2021. - Sebuah laporan baru dari World Meteorological Organization - WMO telah menemukan bahwa empat indikator utama perubahan iklim membuat rekor baru pada tahun 2021.

Indonesian National Book Day - 17 May - Hari Buku Nasional 17 Mei

May 22, 2022 06:53 - 10 minutes - 9.31 MB

May 17 in Indonesia is celebrated as National Book Day. In the midst of technological changes that occur, many adjustments must be made by actors in this sector. - Tanggal 17 Mei di Indonesia diperingati sebagai Hari Buku Nasional. Di tengah perubahan teknologi yang terjadi, banyak penyesuaian harus dilakukan oleh pelaku di sektor ini.

Robbie Gaspar: The secrets to Ange Postecoglou’s amazing success at Celtic FC - Robbie Gaspar: Rahasia kesuksesan luar biasa Ange Postecoglou di Celtic FC

May 20, 2022 13:27 - 10 minutes - 9.73 MB

On the weekend, Celtic Football Club won the Scottish Football Premiership.  After a disappointing 2020-2021 season the club appointed former Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou to be manager.   How was Postecoglou able to take Celtic to the premiership even though it was a team in transition?      - Pada akhir pekan, Celtic Football Club memenangkan Liga Utama Skotlandia. Setelah musim 2020-2021 yang mengecewakan, klub menunjuk mantan pelatih Socceroos Ange Postecoglou menjadi manajer klub i...

Robbie Gaspar: The secrets to Ange Postecoglou’s amazing success at Celtic FC - Robbie Gaspar: Rahasia kesuksesan luar biasa Ange Postecoglou di Celtic FC

May 20, 2022 13:27 - 10 minutes - 9.73 MB

On the weekend, Celtic Football Club won the Scottish Football Premiership. After a disappointing 2020-2021 season the club appointed former Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou to be manager. How was Postecoglou able to take Celtic to the premiership even though it was a team in transition? - Pada akhir pekan, Celtic Football Club memenangkan Liga Utama Skotlandia. Setelah musim 2020-2021 yang mengecewakan, klub menunjuk mantan pelatih Socceroos Ange Postecoglou menjadi manajer klub itu. Bagaima...

Robbie Gaspar: The secrets to Ange Postecoglou’s amazing success at Celtic FC - Robbie Gaspar: Rahasia kesuksesan luar biasa Ange Postecoglou di Celtic FC

May 20, 2022 13:27 - 10 minutes - 9.73 MB

On the weekend, Celtic Football Club won the Scottish Football Premiership. After a disappointing 2020-2021 season the club appointed former Socceroos coach Ange Postecoglou to be manager. How was Postecoglou able to take Celtic to the premiership even though it was a team in transition? - Pada akhir pekan, Celtic Football Club memenangkan Liga Utama Skotlandia. Setelah musim 2020-2021 yang mengecewakan, klub menunjuk mantan pelatih Socceroos Ange Postecoglou menjadi manajer klub itu. Bagaima...

The 2022 Election. Two Indonesian Australians tell us what is and isn’t important to them. - Pemilu 2022. Dua orang Indonesia Australia memberi tahu kami apa yang penting dan tidak penting bagi mereka

May 20, 2022 11:26 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Australia votes on 21 May.  Candidates have campaigned long and hard over the last six weeks focusing on the issues they think are most important to Australian voters.  But is their understanding always accurate?  - Australia memberikan suara pada 21 Mei. Kandidat telah bekerja keras dalam kampanye  selama enam minggu terakhir, dengan fokus pada isu-isu yang mereka anggap paling penting bagi pemilih Australia. Tetapi apakah pemahaman yang mereka anggap penting itu selalu akurat?

The 2022 Election. Two Indonesian Australians tell us what is and isn’t important to them. - Pemilu 2022. Dua orang Indonesia Australia memberi tahu kami apa yang penting dan tidak penting bagi mereka

May 20, 2022 11:26 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Australia votes on 21 May. Candidates have campaigned long and hard over the last six weeks focusing on the issues they think are most important to Australian voters. But is their understanding always accurate? - Australia memberikan suara pada 21 Mei. Kandidat telah bekerja keras dalam kampanye selama enam minggu terakhir, dengan fokus pada isu-isu yang mereka anggap paling penting bagi pemilih Australia. Tetapi apakah pemahaman yang mereka anggap penting itu selalu akurat?

The 2022 Election. Two Indonesian Australians tell us what is and isn’t important to them. - Pemilu 2022. Dua orang Indonesia Australia memberi tahu kami apa yang penting dan tidak penting bagi mereka

May 20, 2022 11:26 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Australia votes on 21 May. Candidates have campaigned long and hard over the last six weeks focusing on the issues they think are most important to Australian voters. But is their understanding always accurate? - Australia memberikan suara pada 21 Mei. Kandidat telah bekerja keras dalam kampanye selama enam minggu terakhir, dengan fokus pada isu-isu yang mereka anggap paling penting bagi pemilih Australia. Tetapi apakah pemahaman yang mereka anggap penting itu selalu akurat?

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 20 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 20 Mei 2022

May 20, 2022 09:20 - 8 minutes - 8.02 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 20 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 20 Mei 2022

Settlement Guide: Choosing a High School - Panduan Permukiman: Memilih Sekolah Menengah

May 20, 2022 09:15 - 7 minutes - 6.42 MB

Choosing a high school can be unexpectedly stressful for both parents and children. - Memilih sekolah menengah dapat secara tak terduga membuat stres bagi orang tua dan anak-anak.

Prescribing parkruns not pills: new ways to improve post-pandemic health - Meresepkan Parkruns bukan pil: cara baru untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pascapandemi

May 20, 2022 09:00 - 6 minutes - 5.5 MB

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP] has partnered with non-profit Parkrun Australia to support GPs across the nation in addressing a rise in chronic illness. - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP] telah bermitra dengan lembaga nirlaba Parkrun Australia untuk mendukung dokter umum di seluruh negeri dalam mengatasi peningkatan penyakit kronis.

World shares sink after retreat on Wall Street - Saham dunia anjlok setelah terjadi penurunan di Wall Street

May 20, 2022 08:10 - 5 minutes - 4.83 MB

Global inflation has caused stock markets around the world to have taken a serious hit after poor retail results wreaked havoc on Wall Street. - Inflasi global telah menyebabkan pasar saham di seluruh dunia telah mengalami pukulan serius setelah hasil ritel yang buruk mendatangkan malapetaka di Wall Street.

How well have Australian political parties represented the interests and needs of young Australians in the current election campaign? - Sejauh mana partai politik Australia mewakili kepentingan dan kebutuhan kawula muda Australia dalam kampanye pemilu kali ini?

May 19, 2022 01:26 - 11 minutes - 10.6 MB

Young Australians have often been pictured as being indifferent to Australian politics. But in recent years the number of young people enrolling to vote has increased. How well do the different political parties represent the real interests of young Australians? Can they influence the outcome of this year’s federal election? - Kawula muda Australia sering digambarkan acuh tak acuh terhadap politik Australia. Namun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir jumlah kawula muda yang mendaftar untuk memilih t...

The Federal election and migration. Do policies differ across the parties? - Pemilihan Federal dan migrasi. Apakah kebijakan antar partai berbeda-beda?

May 18, 2022 13:05 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

In a number of ways, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on people from overseas who wanted to come and live and work or study in Australia.  Times have changed and restrictions have eased.  In the election campaign the parties have promised programs and growth that will need migrants. But in one aspect the major parties’ migration policies differ.         - Dalam beberapa hal, pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada orang-orang dari luar negeri yang ingin datang, tinggal, bekerja atau belajar di Aust...

The Federal election and migration. Do policies differ across the parties? - Pemilihan Federal dan migrasi. Apakah kebijakan antar partai berbeda-beda?

May 18, 2022 13:05 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

In a number of ways, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on people from overseas who wanted to come and live and work or study in Australia. Times have changed and restrictions have eased. In the election campaign the parties have promised programs and growth that will need migrants. But in one aspect the major parties’ migration policies differ. - Dalam beberapa hal, pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada orang-orang dari luar negeri yang ingin datang, tinggal, bekerja atau belajar di Australia. Waktu t...

The Federal election and migration. Do policies differ across the parties? - Pemilihan Federal dan migrasi. Apakah kebijakan antar partai berbeda-beda?

May 18, 2022 13:05 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

In a number of ways, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on people from overseas who wanted to come and live and work or study in Australia. Times have changed and restrictions have eased. In the election campaign the parties have promised programs and growth that will need migrants. But in one aspect the major parties’ migration policies differ. - Dalam beberapa hal, pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada orang-orang dari luar negeri yang ingin datang, tinggal, bekerja atau belajar di Australia. Waktu t...

Election 2022: The impact of increasing the official interest rate. Property expert Hendra Wijaya offers advice to both potential property buyers and sellers - Pemilu 2022: Dampak kenaikan suku bunga resmi. Pakar properti Hendra Wijaya memberikan saran kepada calon pembeli dan penjual properti

May 18, 2022 12:21 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

At the beginning of May 2022 the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lifted the official interest rate to 0.35%. This was an unusual move during an election campaign but the RBA said it was in response to rapidly rising inflation. Many people paying off mortgages became anxious about the impact of future increases in interest rates.    - Pada awal Mei 2022, Bank Sentral Australia (RBA) menaikkan suku bunga resmi menjadi 0,35%. Ini adalah langkah yang tidak biasa diambil selama kampanye pemili...

Election 2022: The impact of increasing the official interest rate. Property expert Hendra Wijaya offers advice to both potential property buyers and sellers - Pemilu 2022: Dampak kenaikan suku bunga resmi. Pakar properti Hendra Wijaya memberikan saran kepada calon pembeli dan penjual properti

May 18, 2022 12:21 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

At the beginning of May 2022 the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lifted the official interest rate to 0.35%. This was an unusual move during an election campaign but the RBA said it was in response to rapidly rising inflation. Many people paying off mortgages became anxious about the impact of future increases in interest rates. - Pada awal Mei 2022, Bank Sentral Australia (RBA) menaikkan suku bunga resmi menjadi 0,35%. Ini adalah langkah yang tidak biasa diambil selama kampanye pemilihan. Na...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 18 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 18 Mei 2022

May 18, 2022 11:04 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 18 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 18 Mei 2022.

SBS News Indonesian Program – 18 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 18 Mei 2022

May 18, 2022 11:04 - 14 minutes - 13.5 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 18 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 18 Mei 2022.

The election campaign has entered its last week. What key issues are the parties promoting? - Kampanye pemilu telah memasuki minggu terakhir. Isu-isu kunci apa yang dipromosikan oleh partai-partai?

May 18, 2022 10:52 - 6 minutes - 5.67 MB

The Prime Minister is defending his party's plan to unlock super for first home buyers - despite warnings it could drive up house prices further, and hurt retirement savings in the long term.   - Perdana Menteri membela rencana partainya untuk membuka super bagi pembeli rumah pertama - meskipun ada peringatan hal itu dapat menaikkan harga rumah lebih lanjut serta merugikan tabungan pensiun dalam jangka panjang.  

The election campaign has entered its last week. What key issues are the parties promoting? - Kampanye pemilu telah memasuki minggu terakhir. Isu-isu kunci apa yang dipromosikan oleh partai-partai?

May 18, 2022 10:52 - 6 minutes - 5.67 MB

The Prime Minister is defending his party's plan to unlock super for first home buyers - despite warnings it could drive up house prices further, and hurt retirement savings in the long term. - Perdana Menteri membela rencana partainya untuk membuka super bagi pembeli rumah pertama - meskipun ada peringatan hal itu dapat menaikkan harga rumah lebih lanjut serta merugikan tabungan pensiun dalam jangka panjang.  

From vegemite to kangaroo meat: The stories behind Australia's most iconic foods - Dari Vegemite hingga Daging Kanguru: Kisah dibalik Makanan Australia yang Paling Ikonik

May 18, 2022 00:08 - 24 minutes - 22.7 MB

Have you ever tried kangaroo or witchetty grub meat? What’s your favourite Aussie sweet treat? In this episode of Australia Explained, we discuss some of the country's most iconic dishes.  - Pernahkah Anda mencoba memakan daging kanguru atau witchetty grub? Apa suguhan manis Australia favorit Anda? Dalam episode Australia Explained kali ini, kita membahas beberapa hidangan paling ikonik di negara ini.

Wages and inflation. It’s complicated. What might a 5.1 percent increase to the minimum wage have on the Australian economy? - Upah dan inflasi. Ini rumit. Apa yang mungkin terjadi dengan kenaikan 5,1 persen pada upah minimum terhadap ekonomi Australia?

May 17, 2022 08:51 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Currently the cost of living is increasing rapidly.  In its election campaign the Australian Labor Party proposed that employees on the minimum wage should get a 5.1 percent wage rise.  The Coalition countered that such a move would cause greater inflation.  What about the Greens? - Saat ini biaya hidup meningkat pesat. Dalam kampanye pemilihannya, Partai Buruh Australia mengusulkan agar karyawan dengan upah minimum harus mendapatkan kenaikan upah 5,1 persen.  Pihak Koalisi membantah bahwa...

Wages and inflation. It’s complicated. What might a 5.1 percent increase to the minimum wage have on the Australian economy? - Upah dan inflasi. Ini rumit. Apa yang mungkin terjadi dengan kenaikan 5,1 persen pada upah minimum terhadap ekonomi Australia?

May 17, 2022 08:51 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Currently the cost of living is increasing rapidly. In its election campaign the Australian Labor Party proposed that employees on the minimum wage should get a 5.1 percent wage rise. The Coalition countered that such a move would cause greater inflation. What about the Greens? - Saat ini biaya hidup meningkat pesat. Dalam kampanye pemilihannya, Partai Buruh Australia mengusulkan agar karyawan dengan upah minimum harus mendapatkan kenaikan upah 5,1 persen. Pihak Koalisi membantah bahwa langka...

Wages and inflation. It’s complicated. What might a 5.1 percent increase to the minimum wage have on the Australian economy? - Upah dan inflasi. Ini rumit. Apa yang mungkin terjadi dengan kenaikan 5,1 persen pada upah minimum terhadap ekonomi Australia?

May 17, 2022 08:51 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Currently the cost of living is increasing rapidly. In its election campaign the Australian Labor Party proposed that employees on the minimum wage should get a 5.1 percent wage rise. The Coalition countered that such a move would cause greater inflation. What about the Greens? - Saat ini biaya hidup meningkat pesat. Dalam kampanye pemilihannya, Partai Buruh Australia mengusulkan agar karyawan dengan upah minimum harus mendapatkan kenaikan upah 5,1 persen. Pihak Koalisi membantah bahwa langka...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Mei 2022

May 16, 2022 13:36 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Mei 2022.

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 MAY 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Mei 2022

May 16, 2022 13:36 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 MAY 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Mei 2022.

Settlement Guide: Children’s rights in Australia and how they are protected - Panduan Pemukiman: Hak-hak anak di Australia dan bagaimana mereka dilindungi

May 16, 2022 13:23 - 10 minutes - 9.57 MB

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international human rights agreement that outlines the specific rights children and young people can claim. Nearly every country in the world, including Australia, has committed to the Convention, making it the most widely supported human rights treaty. - Konvensi PBB tentang Hak Anak adalah perjanjian hak asasi manusia internasional yang menguraikan hak-hak khusus yang dapat diklaim oleh anak-anak dan remaja. Hampir setiap negara...

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 15 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 15 Mei 2022

May 15, 2022 08:14 - 9 minutes - 7.85 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 15 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 15 Mei 2022

Concerns sparked over Adult Migrant English Program funding - Kekhawatiran terhadap pendanaan Program Bahasa Inggris Migran Dewasa

May 15, 2022 07:56 - 6 minutes - 5.27 MB

The Adult Migrant English Program is an essential settlement service that provides tens of thousands of new arrivals with the language skills to enter the workforce. - Program Bahasa Inggris Migran Dewasa atau Adult Migrant English Program adalah layanan permukiman penting yang menyediakan pelatihan keterampilan bahasa bagi puluhan ribu pendatang baru untuk memasuki dunia kerja.

I know I locked that door properly. But I might check it again, just once more. - 'Aku Tahu Aku Mengunci Pintu Itu dengan Benar. Tapi Mungkin Aku akan Memeriksanya Lagi, Sekali Lagi'

May 14, 2022 22:15 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

A recent report from the World Health Organisation announced that world-wide the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected peoples’ mental health. For example, fear of contamination appears to have increased Obsessive Compulsory behaviours related to hygiene. What can be done to help people who suffer such mental stress? - Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia mengumumkan bahwa di seluruh dunia pandemi COVID-19 telah secara dramatis mempengaruhi kesehatan mental masya...

I know I locked that door properly. But I might check it again, just once more. - 'Aku Tahu Aku Mengunci Pintu Itu dengan Benar. Tapi Mungkin Aku akan Memeriksanya Lagi, Sekali Lagi'

May 14, 2022 22:15 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

A recent report from the World Health Organisation announced that world-wide the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected peoples’ mental health. For example, fear of contamination appears to have increased Obsessive Compulsory behaviours related to hygiene. What can be done to help people who suffer such mental stress? - Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia mengumumkan bahwa di seluruh dunia pandemi COVID-19 telah secara dramatis mempengaruhi kesehatan mental masya...

Congraulations Bilqis Prasista but now it’s our turn. Sunday will be fun day with the Australian Indonesian Youth Association - Selamat Bilqis Prasista tapi sekarang giliran kita. Hari Minggu ini akan menjadi hari yang menyenangkan bersama Persatuan Pemuda Indonesia Australia (AIYA)

May 14, 2022 21:12 - 13 minutes - 12.7 MB

This year’s Thomas Cup and Uber Cup for badminton finish on Sunday 15 May. On the same day the Australian Indonesian Youth Association of Victoria will hold its Badminton Day. Will a potential world champions be unearthed? How can you get involved? - Piala Thomas dan Piala Uber tahun ini untuk bulu tangkis berakhir pada Minggu 15 Mei. Pada hari yang sama Persatuan Pemuda Indonesia Australia Victoria akan mengadakan Hari Bulu Tangkis. Akankah ditemukan calon juara dunia? Bagaimana Anda dapat t...

SBS RFadio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Mei 2022

May 13, 2022 13:47 - 9 minutes - 8.97 MB

SBS RFadio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Mei 2022

SBS RFadio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Mei 2022

May 13, 2022 13:47 - 9 minutes - 8.97 MB

SBS RFadio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 May 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Mei 2022

NAPLAN 2022 begins despite continuing disfavour among educators - NAPLAN 2022 dimulai meskipun masih ada ketidaksukaan di kalangan pendidik

May 13, 2022 13:39 - 6 minutes - 5.89 MB

NAPLAN testing has begun, this year shifting online to find new ways of evaluating students' literacy and numeracy skills. - Pengujian National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan NAPLAN telah dimulai, tahun ini bergeser secara online untuk menemukan cara baru dalam mengevaluasi kemampuan literasi dan numerasi siswa.

Federal Election 2022: Early voting has started May 9 - Pemilihan Federal 2022: Pemungutan suara dini telah dimulai 9 Mei

May 13, 2022 13:23 - 4 minutes - 4.15 MB

Around 500 pre-poll voting centres have now opened their doors (Mon 9 May) all over the country. And this year, the Australian Electoral Commission is estimating that around half of registered voters will have made their choice before election day on May 21st. - Sekitar 500 pusat pemungutan suara pra-pemberian suara kini telah dibuka mulai Senin 9 Mei di seluruh negera ini. Dan tahun ini, Komisi Pemilihan Australia memperkirakan bahwa sekitar setengah dari pemilih terdaftar akan membuat pilih...

Men and women can suffer from alopecia. Why does it seem to be more damaging to women? - Pria dan wanita dapat menderita alopecia. Namun mengapa tampaknya hal itu lebih merusak bagi wanita?

May 13, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 7.24 MB

This year’s Academy Awards ceremony brought world attention to Jada Pinkett Smith’s alopecia. Over the years she has made no secret about the intense problems she has faced with hair loss. Research suggests that alopecia not only damages patients’ emotional and psychological health but also their relationships. This is particularly true for women. - Upacara Academy Awards (OSCAR) tahun ini membawa perhatian dunia pada alopecia yang diderita Jada Pinkett Smith. Selama bertahun-tahun dia tidak ...

Men and women can suffer from alopecia. Why does it seem to be more damaging to women? - Pria dan wanita dapat menderita alopecia. Namun mengapa tampaknya hal itu lebih merusak bagi wanita?

May 13, 2022 08:00 - 7 minutes - 7.24 MB

This year’s Academy Awards ceremony brought world attention to Jada Pinkett Smith’s alopecia. Over the years she has made no secret about the intense problems she has faced with hair loss. Research suggests that alopecia not only damages patients’ emotional and psychological health but also their relationships. This is particularly true for women. - Upacara Academy Awards (OSCAR) tahun ini membawa perhatian dunia pada alopecia yang diderita Jada Pinkett Smith. Selama bertahun-tahun dia tidak ...