Previous Episode: AMERICAN CHEESE

Hey ho, SaysWhovia! Did you like last week? Did you? That was a week, right? A week in which time seemed to collapse into a single point. The singularity of bullshit. It was something else.

The impeachment trial has ended. Long live the impeachment trial. Dan is now finished with and his self-imposed 130-day stretch of total impeachment immersion. He’s fine. He’s absolutely fine. Don’t you worry. But before we get to that, we have to get to all the other things that happened at the same time, like Brexit, the State of the Union, and Iowa.

Yes, Iowa. The home of the caucus—the thing that none of us really get. Iowa had one job—give us the first point of information on the 2020 map. It’s like the groundhog of politics. And Iowa stood up, spun around fifty times, and then passed out. Iowa will go on forever. Long live Iowa.

And then, of course, we do need to talk about the impeachment and the State of the Union. Because that was all happening at the same time too. Did you forget? It’s just noe big event, SaysWhovia, and we’re in it. Together.

Grab a corn dog. This may go on for some time.

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