What a week! Maureen was on tour. Dan was handling the impeachment! Everything went great!

Errrr. Well. Maureen went on 2/3 of a tour, then Things Went Wrong. Dan has been trapped in his basement, watching endless hours of Senate testimony. Both have made choices they regret.

But! What news? The defense has wrapped in the Senate trial, and now we are on to questions. And a little gnome named John Bolton popped his mustachioed head out of his hidey-hole and said, “Mayyyybbbbe I know something about this…” Will witnesses be called? Will Dan be doing impeachment.fyi for a billion more years? And Maureen has thoughts on book publishing.

Most importantly, we get to the matter of a White House dinner, and a very special moment for Says Whovians.

Grab a fork and sit down. It’s time to eat.

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