Making assumptions is one of the top seven disconnects in our interpersonal relationships.  Listen for a few tips and tricks to keep you from making assumptions and helping communication in your relationships become clearer.  


Episode quotes and links:

“When you speak openly and honestly, you won’t have to make assumptions.  The day you stop making assumptions, you will communicate cleanly and clearly, and achieve impeccability with your word.” Don Miguel Ruiz

"If we don’t make assumptions, we can focus our attention on the truth, not on what we think is the truth. Then we see life the way it is, not the way we want to see it. When we don’t believe our own assumptions, the power of our belief that we invested in them returns to us. And when we recover all the energy that we invested in making assumptions, we can use that energy to create a new dream: our personal heaven. Don’t make assumptions." ~Don Miguel Ruiz