We saved a seat for Tami of Fresh Pin Studio, where she breaks down all things Pinterest and how to use it as a growth hack in your business. Being self taught, taking her skill set and starting her business to create a life and work on her own terms!

Back story - Tami pitched us to be a guest on the pod, and her pitch was top 5 best we've received. She spills the tea on how she crafted her pitch to source clients when she started her business.

In this episode Tami shares specifics on how you should be using Pinterest for your biz and steps on how to get started!

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Have a listen, send to a friend and #saveherseat

Did you hear about Growth Week? This 5-day virtual event is happening from November 1st to the 5th and will help you take your business to the next level, covering everything from growth hacking your social channels to adding new revenue streams to your business!
Get Your Growth Week FREE Ticket

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton

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