Sarah and Teri here for a Founders episode on the power of storytelling.  The idea of storytelling has been around for lifetimes, and as humans it  is what we are attracted too. The backstory, the behind the scenes, we want to know the details. This comes to business as well. Now more than ever. Our generations care and want to know where they are putting their dollars, who they are supporting and what is behind the businesses they are backing.

We dive into how we've incorporated story telling into our show and business. Why it is important to do for you and your business. As well as HOW you can start doing this at your comfort level.

⁠So have a listen, send to a friend and #saveherseat

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton

POWERED by @femaleswhosidehustle