From the world population of 7 billion, there are just 11 million people who are classed as High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) who are wealthier than the majority. What is the mind-set that distinguishes the 0.16% of HNWIs from everyone else?

Wealth is a meaningful resource that is relative to an individual. HNWIs believe they should be and have the right to be wealthy, in whichever way they determine wealth to be.
This attitude reinforces an attraction to opportunities and experiences that are in line with this empowering belief.
If you are struggling with money challenges right now and wish to magnetize a wealth of opportunities into any area of your life, this show is for you.

In this mesmerizing conversation with Rebecca Gordon, ‘Tapping Into Wealth & Success Coach’ Marilyn O’Malley shares insights on how to discover and create a pathway for attracting more of what you want into your life. In this podcast, Marilyn reveals information on:

•Money blocks and how these may be limiting your success.
•Practical ways to re-programme destructive money habits.
•The emotional impact of money attachments.
•How to transform the boom or bust cycle.

Coaching Questions:

What is your high net worth set point?
What empowering beliefs do you choose to have about money?
What one thing will you do today that improves your High Net Worth Individual status in the wealth paradigm of your choosing?

Bonus: Find out how to get Marilyn O’ Malley’s special Money Mapping offer.