What sounds enter your sacred space that might cause inner disharmony?
How are you using sound to resonate on a frequency aligned with your highest potential?

We are all aware of the effect that sound has on our mood. Whether up-beat or slow, erratic or calm, the sounds that emanate around us hour after hour, day after day, have much more of an impact than we may realise. As soon as you switch on your TV or radio, you are immediately bombarded with frequencies that are deliberately designed to alter your state. Have you ever considered the detrimental influence that this has on your ability to function at an optimum level? How often do you regularly expose yourself to sounds and frequencies that help to activate your full potential?

Today's podcast is on a vibration that you will want to attune with. Our expert is a Sound Therapist who shares her knowledge on the varying spectrums of sound healing and sound therapy. In this uplifting, and informative conversation, Soesen Edan and Rebecca Gordon use the vibration of words as an empowering tool, in which you are taken on a journey to discover the particular frequencies that create dis-ease and learn how to nurture your sacred space with those that foster harmony and peace.


“What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music: our mind and body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music.” Hazrat Inyat Khan (Sufi Master) (1882-1927)

The Musery
Satellite Life Coaching
British Academy of Sound Therapy
The Biology of Belief
Dr Masaru Emoto
Cymatics - Hans Jenny
Earth, Hands and Houses