What's overfunctioning? It's doing a ton of unnecessary crap that takes up space in your life. 

It's making spreadsheet after spreadsheet of training plans when really all you need to do is get outside and move your body a lot.

It's intermittent fasting and nutrient cycling when you fundamentally just need to eat high quality foods. 

It's working hard to do the right things so people will like you — even when you have zero control over others' opinions. 

It's following every rule of gentle/attachment parenting to the point you're exhausted — even though research shows all kids need is a "good enough" parent.

And here's a secret: everyone's doing it! (Including me.)

In this podcast, I share some examples of what overfunctioning looks like, how to stop comparing yourself to the overfunctioners of the world, and how to create more freedom and spaciousness in your life. Enjoy!

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