We tried to talk about the origin of purple flags. I forgot if we did. I know Ra and I were saying that red flags sometimes look purple to us because we don't want them to be red. Bill decided that we should ask the guy who wrote me an email back two years later if he was going to reply in another two years. This podcast was recorded from a closet in Long Beach, California. Bill and Ra are both poets and writers. @Rarasaur and @ThatManFriday on Twitter

"Ra lives and loves in Los Angeles and the internet, where frightfully wondrous things happen. She is a once-upon-a-time inmate, a reluctantly-optimistic widow, an exponential storyteller, and also basically a dinosaur. Her story is a long one, but the short version is she (probably) loves you. @Rarasaur"

Fictionary... 8 Megapixel Artist... Bloody Awful Poet, Bill Friday is a recently-published bender of Words, Voice, and Stuff. He is a former internet talk show host, and long-time Citizen Journalist. Currently, Bill is a part of the Writer’s Room for a television pilot in pre-production.

He communicates with the outside world through his own little web territory (www.billfriday.com)"