Recently in our market center, we’ve been discussing lead generation, specifically buyer lead generation. Many real estate agents know how to do real estate, they just don’t know how to get the real estate business. Today I want to review the five primary sources of leads to help you as an agent evaluate your current practices and find more business in the future:

57% of leads come from clients, sphere of influence, and contacts. In your phone right now, you likely have one or two deals hiding out and just waiting for you to call. Sphere and contacts are the most lucrative methods of lead generation, and they’re the byproduct of almost every other type of lead generation. When you meet a person, put them into your contact relationship manager, and you’re likely to contact them again and again over the years, possibly becoming repeat business.
12% of leads come from open houses. These are a great opportunity to meet face-to-face with potential clients, where they can learn to trust and like you.
10% are internet leads. There are several types of internet leads for you to pursue in terms of pricing and conversion ratios, but we will delve further into this specific source in a later post.
8% of leads come from clients and vendors outside of your sphere. A vendor referral is almost as good as a client referral; vendors and other professionals that refer you usually impart some degree of trust to the client they’re referring.
A small portion come from walk-ins. Walk-ins are rare occurrences, but if you happen to be at an office with great signage, you may get the occasional one.

“Sphere and contacts are the most lucrative methods of lead generation.”

Below these are two types that aren’t really even considered lead generation: direct mail and print advertisement. Direct mail has less than a 1% return on investment and print advertising constitutes less than 1% of all lead generation methods. These last two are predominantly used for brand reinforcement. Now, if you’ve already established a rapport with the client, these last two may keep your name at the top of their mind when they’re deciding to buy or sell a house through another agent.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your real estate career, reach out to me. I’d be happy to talk with you.