Episode 82. In looking at how to improve in different areas of our lives, many of us, myself included, can find ourselves stuck and in a belief of having no momentum because we are too focused on the end result. But the end is death, isn’t it? All of our life is the middle and sometimes it’s the messy middle. 

As we work towards bettering ourselves and growing, it’s always important to recognize that perfection will never, ever be achieved. So if we look at our lives and assume we’ve failed because a certain area still needs work, we are looking at our life through lack. Our journey is about progress not perfection. When you find yourself saying, “I can’t,” instead ask, “How can I?”

Keep going, keep changing and keep taking action. And remember that if you are constantly working to improve, while you look ahead and assume you have failed, remember to look at where you are right NOW and where you may have been. Our small actions are what create the most change, but sometimes we forget to look at how far we’ve come. 

The Mom’s Retreat Information and Waitlist

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