Episode 164 | Diane Sorensen is on the podcast today to talk about what conscious parenting is, how it differs from traditional roles, how she teaches conscious parenting to others and we also over a few examples of what it means in real time. 

Diane Sorensen is a relationship-based parenting coach. She is the creator of the Beauty in Behavior parent coaching program. Diane believes that children’s behavior is constantly presenting us with opportunities for growth, both for them and for ourselves. Diane has been in the field of early childhood education for 30 years and holds degrees in early education and behavioral science. She is also trained in Conscious Discipline, a research-based approach grounded in neuroscience. In her time as a teacher Diane implemented conscious discipline practices in her classroom. Teachers, administration and parents took notice and could see, hear and most importantly feel the difference in the classroom. Diane then took on the role of Behavior Specialist teaching other education staff these practices before turning full time to coaching parents. The Beauty in Behavior program is designed to help parents understand their child’s behavior on a deeper level, lower stress and support parents in creating the relationships they desire.
Diane is also the creator and host of the “Beauty in Behavior” podcast.

Diane's Website
Diane's Podcast


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