In episode 14, I open the discussion of shifting our perspective from motherhood draining us and disconnecting us from who we are to using motherhood as a catalyst to face the challenge of being able to grow into who we are meant to be and find our purpose in life.

Motherhood opens a can of worms for us. It brings up our childhood wounds and our insecurities and are magnified. Society has really glorified motherhood being tired, exhausting and an excuse to not truly care for ourselves and subscribe to the overwhelm. But what if we decided to embrace motherhood and allow it to show us where we need to grow and meeting that challenge. What if we looked at our children as the most amazing teachers in the world that have been given to us instead of inconvenient or draining? How would you change if you changed your perspective.

Do you use motherhood as your biggest limiting belief? Are you allowing it to keep you from experiencing the biggest personal growth spurt you could ever experience? Are you avoiding finding what your purpose is and using motherhood as your excuse?

My challenge for you this week is: turn off all of the noise - the phone and all of the distractions and just watch your kids. How are they looking at the world? How do they approach it? What you could you learn from that? Are they reflecting something about yourself that you want to change? Maybe something they do is what aggravates you the most. Are they a mirror?.

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